Liberica for Free Background

Liberica JDK

Java runtime for modern Java™ deployments

Supported by a leading OpenJDK contributor. Trusted by cloud companies. Performant and secure

Run on any platform, in any environment

A more secure, reliable, and cost-effective approach to application development.

Enhance performance with containers

Choose our products to cut down on traffic, storage, memory consumption, and more.

Stay secure with our support

Your apps are safe with the people who make Java. Make the most of your OpenJDK investment.
Unify your Java environment
  1. All Java versions are supported, including both the latest and legacy versions (JDK 1.6, 1.7, 8, 11, 17, 21)
  2. One runtime for cloud, server, and desktop use.
  3. Support for the largest number of architectures (x86 64/32 bit, ARM, PowerPC, SPARC, RISC-V), including microservices.
Unify your Java environment
  1. Make use of the smallest containers based on Alpine Linux, or even better performing Cloud Native Platform, powered by Alpaquita Linux.
  2. Utilize the most lightweight OpenJDK runtime, Liberica JDK Light.
Unify your Java environment
  1. Reduce your expenses by at least 30% and up to 90% with our ace support team.
  2. Speak with engineers, without the man-in-the-middle. No hassle, no call forwarding, just prompt help.

Why Liberica JDK?

All versions updated

Non-stop updates for Liberica JDK LTS builds

Java 8, 11, 17 and 21

Current release Liberica JDK 24

Java 24

And other versions

Java 9, 10, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 18, 19, 20, 22, 23, 24

Timely releases

Timely releases

Quarterly zero-day releases of JDK and JRE for most popular distributions (8, 11, 17, 21). Our customers get their runtimes updated concurrently with new Oracle JDK releases.

Diverse tools

Diverse tools

All JDK users have free and full-fledged access to monitoring (JFR + Mission Control), Auto Updater and other features. Now available: Liberica Administration Center (LAC), to check the state of runtimes, bugs and latest releases.

Get access to LAC

Run everywhere

Windows (Desktop and Server), macOS, most Linux distributions (with full-fledged support for Alpine Linux), Solaris. Liberica’s packages run seamlessly on virtual and cloud environments alike. We support Docker, VMware and other hypervisors.

Learn more

Multiple Flavors

Liberica JDK is available in multiple flavors, including:

  • Liberica JDK Standard, the base edition, best suited for server and desktop deployments that do not require any additional components
  • Liberica JDK Full with JavaFX functionality and Minimal VM
  • Liberica JDK Lite, a version with multiple enhancements and optimized size that works best in Cloud environment
Performance Edition

Performance Edition

Liberica JDK Performance Edition is the build of Liberica JDK 11 that utilizes the speed and enhancements of Java Virtual Machine (JVM) of Liberica JDK 17 that results in better performance.

Learn more


All Liberica JDK binaries are verified by the OpenJDK Community Technology Compatibility Kit (TCK) for Java SE spec.

Long-term support

We guarantee at least eight years of Liberica JDK lifetime with bug fixes, security updates, and other improvements as needed.

Support roadmap
Liberica for Free Background

Download Liberica JDK now for Free

Free and 100% open source Progressive Java Runtime for modern Java™ deployments supported by a leading OpenJDK contributor

  • Cloud Optimized
    Cloud Optimized

    42.72 MB the size of the smallest container.

  • Trusted

    100% our customers that have never experienced security issues.

  • Dedicated

    20,000 hours/year our customers save by working with a professional support team.

Flexible support plans to meet your needs

Never pay more than you should

Not all solutions need support from a team of professionals; sometimes, the OpenJDK community provides enough help that meets your application demands. For when you require more support, we have options to suit your needs. Evaluate your support needs. Take a look at support plans.

Switch and Save

Looking to switch from Oracle JDK to OpenJDK?

We make it easy for customers to make the switch. Our support team will deliver higher levels of support with significantly lower support costs.


Calculate your savings!

Switch to the Unified Liberica JDK runtime developed by BellSoft and save money! Use our calculator to estimate the reduction in price. Enter:

  • The number of desktops running Java apps
  • The number of servers running Java apps
  • The total number of your employees, including full-time, part-time, temporary employees of your company and the employees of your agents, contractors, outsources, and consultants.

Then select the number of years to calculate the savings. Press the button below to get a quote from our sales department using the numbers you entered.

Amount of total cost reduction per year compared to Oracle pricing

Number of desktops

Number of servers

Total number of all employees, including contractors

Support plan

  • Response times as fast as 24 hours based on SLA
  • 9x5 with web and email access
  • Emergency patches not yet included in the open source OpenJDK
  • Quarterly and off-cycle security updates and bug fixes
  • A two-hour initial consultation

Additional info

Remember that you need to count not only the employees that use Java, but all of them, including full-time, part-time, temporary employees of your company and your agents, contractors, outsourcers, and consultants.

Calculate for:

Guaranteed cost reduction per year


Why customers trust Liberica JDK

Tres Finocchiaro

Tres Finocchiaro

QZ Tray desktop software

I wish I had discovered BellSoft 6 years ago. The level of follow-through and professionalism is a trait we share with BellSoft and is the key to a successful product.

Java™ and JDK

01. What is Java Development Kit used for?

The simple answer is — to develop Java™ applications and execute them. The Java Development Kit includes the tools required to make your app work. But differences between JDKs affect the way your app will function, the number of vulnerabilities that can breach its security, the speed of computing, and the methods of deployment available.

02. Are JDK Java™ the same?

Java™ is the name of the programming language. JDK is the set of tools to develop, deploy, and run Java™ applications.

03. How are Java Development Kits different?
There are quite a few Java™ programming tools, including Java Development Kits like OpenJDK, Azul Zulu, AdoptOpenJDK, Red Hat OpenJDK, and, of course, Liberica JDK. Although they are all based on OpenJDK by Oracle, they differ by:
  • Inclusion or exclusion of components like JFX and JFR;
  • The kind and speed of provided support;
  • Update rate and speed;
  • Security;
  • Features

Java™, OpenJDK and Liberica JDK

01. What is Liberica JDK?

Liberica JDK is a free and open source Java Development Kit produced by BellSoft. It has been verified by TCK for Java SE specs and supports most Linux distributions (including Alpine Linux), Windows, macOS, Solaris. The Liberica OpenJDK package with the HotSpot Virtual Machine viably replaces Java 8 (LTS), 9, 10, 11 (LTS), 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17 (LTS), 18, 19, 20, 21 (LTS), 22, 23.

02. What is difference between Java SE, Liberica JDK, and OpenJDK?

Java SE is the build of OpenJDK provided by Oracle. Using it requires buying the license.
OpenJDK is the free version of JDK created by the community. You can use it however you want, but getting the support or fixing something that does not work could be a tedious process that requires many work hours of your engineers.
Liberica JDK is also free to use but is developed by BellSoft — the trusted vendor. It is tested with the TCK (Technology Compatibility Kit) to make sure it meets the demand of Java™ developers. BellSoft provides support that helps you deal with issues on the runtime side of things. And last but not least, we offer prolonged support for Java™ versions going out of date, making the migration easier and keeping your data safe.

03. What is difference between Java SE and Liberica JDK?

Java SE is a proprietary product that requires Oracle support for commercial usage. Liberica JDK is an open source kit managed by BellSoft, provided with swift support to solve any problem on the client’s side within 24 hours. You can find more information in the article aimed to explain the differences between using JDKs by Oracle and BellSoft.

04. Is OpenJDK the same as Liberica JDK?

Liberica JDK is based on OpenJDK with additional enhancements to boost performance, security and compatibility with different platforms. Another key difference is the reliable support BellSoft provides for their build of JDK, which does not exist for OpenJDK.

05. What are the strengths of Liberica JDK?
  • Cloud-oriented and one of the most lightweight development kits in terms of disk space to produce Java™ apps.
  • Full support for creating and running Java™ software on the largest number of present-day architectures, also fit for microservices. Liberica JDK works on x86 64/32 bit, ARM 64/32 bit, PowerPC, SPARC, and RISC-V.
  • Safety based on open source development, where every bug fixed for one client gets patched for all users in the next update.

Support and security

01. What kind of Java™ support do you provide?

The team with 15+ years of Java™ experience is always ready to help you. We keep supporting LTS Liberica JDK builds even after the corresponding versions of OpenJDK are no longer supported.

02. How long will OpenJDK and Liberica JDK be supported?

The JDK as the programming and deploying environment will be supported forever, or at least, as long as Java™ language exists.
But the OpenJDK builds based on specific Java™ versions will go out of date in their due time and stop being supported. Check out the support roadmap to see how long different vendors support different versions of Java™.

03. Is Java™ safe in 2024?

Yes! Java™ is considered one of the safest programming languages with its open source developers community consistently hunting down vulnerabilities. Just remember to update regularly and you will be fine.

04. How is Liberica JDK updated?

We release new builds concurrently with Oracle JDK. In addition, we put out security patches and customer fixes. We start working on every release in advance to keep them up-to-date with important Java™ trends and innovations.
Updating Liberica JDK is possible in an automated manner under a commercial support license without the need to redownload the binaries. For Linux: DEB/RPM, yum/apt repository. For Windows: AU bundled as part of the installer.
BellSoft Product Discovery API allows for quick and convenient installation of Liberica JDK.

Other questions

01. Which version of Java™ should I install?

Depends on your needs. If you develop from the scratch, using the latest LTS version is the way to go. If you run older software, stick to the version it was developed for. In case your app is based on the version that is no longer supported, download the safest build of this version and get ready to upgrade your app, because your data is no longer safe.
Check out the support roadmap to make the educated choice.

02. Which is better, the JDK or the JRE?

To answer this question we need to explain the difference between the JRE and the JDK.
JRE means Java Runtime Environment. It is the set of tools to run Java™ applications.
JDK means Java Development Kit. It is the set of tools to develop Java™ applications. And what is important here, it contains the JRE!
That means that none of them are “better”. They are made for different tasks. And any JDK, including Liberica JDK, contains the JRE.

03. Is there a JRE for OpenJDK and Liberica JDK?

Every build of OpenJDK provides the Java Runtime Environment.

04. Is JVM a compiler?

Not exactly. Java Virtual Machine, or JVM, is the tool for running Java™ applications.
It contains a JIT (Just In Time) compiler to translate the code into bytecode just before running it in the JVM.
There is also an AOT (Ahead Of Time) compiler to translate the code into bytecode before putting it into the JVM.
All of these tools are included in the JDK (Java Development Kit) like Liberica JDK.

05. What JVM does Java™ in Liberica JDK have?

Liberica JDK has the HotSpot JVM.

06. Does Liberica JDK work with RISC-V CPUs?

Yes. The support of RISC-V is implemented in JDK versions 21 and higher.

I don't know the meaning of some words on this page...

01. Java™

Java™ is one of the most used and flexible object-oriented programming languages fit for any platform. Currently widely used versions of Java™ are 8 (LTS), 9, 10, 11 (LTS), 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17 (LTS), 18, 19, 20, 21 (LTS), 22, 23.

02. TCK

TCK is the Technology Compatibility Kit for Java™, the test suite used by Oracle to ensure compatible implementations of the OpenJDK such as Liberica JDK. Java Development Kits that passed TCK verification are guaranteed to be fully compatible with Java standards. All Liberica JDK builds pass the verification before release.

03. OpenJDK

OpenJDK or Open Java Development Kit is the free open source implementation of the Java™ Platform.

04. Java™ SE

Java SE is the proprietary development kit produced by Oracle with both closed and open source components.

05. Liberica JDK

Liberica JDK is the free open source implementation of the Java™ Platform produced by BellSoft full of valuable features with enhanced support.

06. LTS

LTS, or Long Term Support, refers to build versions that will be supported for a long time.

07. Mission Control

Mission Control is the tool to collect low-level and detailed runtime information to enable after-the-fact incident analysis.

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