JDK Flight Recorder (JFR) is a low-overhead data collection framework for troubleshooting Java applications and the HotSpot JVM, which produces event data flow for further analysis with Liberica Mission Control. JFR was contributed to OpenJDK by Oracle to JDK 9 and became a part of JDK 11 afterward. It was being backported to JDK 8 during the last year and became one of the most wanted features for companies that use JDK 8 in production. The backport is based on the JFR 2.0 implementation in JDK 11. New functionality as JFR streaming API available in JDK 14.

To use Liberica Mission Control with JFR in JDK 8u262, you need to use the Early Access binaries for LMC 7.1.2 with version detection patch.

Liberica JDK 8u262 EA for Linux x64:

Liberica Mission Control 7.1.2 EA:

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