Alpaquita Containers

On Docker Hub, GHCR, and MCR

We provide ready container images based on Alpaquita Linux for Java, Python, C/C++, Java native images. Read on to find out how to get them.

Why use Alpaquita containers?

Alpaquita containers utilize Alpaquita Linux to create a perfect runtime environment for your cloud applications

  • Zero migration effort with no refactoring
  • Minimized server workload with Linux OS fine-tuned for cloud applications
  • Faster startup time and lesser memory footprint provide a cost reduction of cloud expenses
  • Better security with kernel hardening, process isolation, and other enhancements
  • Compatibility with both glibc and musl, including the performant version of musl
  • Commercial long term support by the developers of OpenJDK
  • CRaC and native image support

Supported programming languages and platforms

Debian Logo
Debian Logo

How to pull the images

Download the image with docker pull from Docker Hub, GHCR or Azure:

docker pull <image name>

Where the image name can be one of the following:

bellsoft/<repository>:<image_tag> (default is

Github Container Registry:<repository>:<image_tag>

Microsoft Container Registry:<repository>:<image_tag>

Note that if the :<image-tag> part is omitted, it is substituted with the :latest.

Start a container from a pulled image with docker run:

docker run -it --rm <image name>

Use the scheme to choose a suitable Alpaquita container image for your project

Docker Hub images

BellSoft’s images of Alpaquita Containers are grouped into several repositories on Docker Hub, pertaining to a specific language. Each repository contains a number of tags pointing to software version or type.

Summary of Alpaquita Linux Docker Hub repositories

Repo nameDescription

The repository contains images with Liberica JDK Lite and Alpaquita Linux, including versions with CRaC support

The repository contains Alpaquita Linux images with Python and basic Python utilities
The repository contains Alpaquita Linux images with the GCC compiler, tools, and libraries for development in C/C++

The repository contains Alpaquita Linux images with the Liberica Native Image Kit

The base images from this repository can be used 'as is' or serve as a base for customization by installing additional software from Alpaquita Linux repositories

  • latest
  • musl
  • glibc

For liberica-runtime-container these tags could prove to be useful:

  • jdk
  • jre
  • slim
  • all
  • crac

You can also use tags to search for a specific Liberica JDK or Liberica NIK versions in liberica-runtime-container and liberica-native-image-kit-container

How to use Docker images with Alpaquita Linux

Pull specific version

Get the latest build of specific version:

docker pull bellsoft/liberica-runtime-container:jdk-all-musl
docker pull bellsoft/liberica-runtime-container:jdk-all-glibc
docker pull bellsoft/liberica-runtime-container:jre-musl
docker pull bellsoft/liberica-runtime-container:jre-glibc
docker pull bellsoft/liberica-runtime-container:jdk-crac-slim-musl
docker pull bellsoft/liberica-runtime-container:jdk-crac-slim-glibc
docker pull bellsoft/liberica-runtime-container:jre-crac-slim-musl
docker pull bellsoft/liberica-runtime-container:jre-crac-slim-glibc
docker pull bellsoft/liberica-native-image-kit-container:jdk-17-nik-23-musl
docker pull bellsoft/liberica-native-image-kit-container:jdk-21-nik-23-glibc
docker pull bellsoft/alpaquita-linux-python:3.11-musl
docker pull bellsoft/alpaquita-linux-python:3.11-glibc
docker pull bellsoft/alpaquita-linux-gcc:13.1-musl
docker pull bellsoft/alpaquita-linux-gcc:13.1-glibc
docker pull bellsoft/alpaquita-linux-base:stream-musl
docker pull bellsoft/alpaquita-linux-base:stream-glibc

You can use the tag latest to get the latest musl version of any type of container.

Run specific version

Run command line in specific image:

docker run -it --rm bellsoft/liberica-runtime-container:jdk-all-musl

Replace the path to the specific version of Alpaquita container if needed.

GitHub Container Registry (GHCR) images

BellSoft’s GitHub public docker images BellSoft’s GitHub public docker images of Alpaquita Linux can be easily utilized in your projects. With GitHub CR, you can access the images anonymously.

GHCR includes Alpaquita images with Liberica JDK Lite, Liberica NIK, C/C++, Python, and the base Alpaquita Linux image. All of them are provided with either optimized musl or glibc.

Summary of Alpaquita Linux GHCR repositories

Repo nameDescription

The repository contains images with Liberica JDK Lite and Alpaquita Linux, including versions with CRaC support

The repository contains Alpaquita Linux images with Python and basic Python utilities
The repository contains Alpaquita Linux images with the GCC compiler, tools, and libraries for development in C/C++

The repository contains Alpaquita Linux images with the Liberica Native Image Kit

The base images from this repository can be used 'as is' or serve as a base for customization by installing additional software from Alpaquita Linux repositories

  • latest
  • musl
  • glibc

For liberica-runtime-container these tags could prove to be useful:

  • jdk
  • jre
  • slim
  • all
  • crac

You can also use tags to search for a specific Liberica JDK or Liberica NIK versions in liberica-runtime-container and liberica-native-image-kit-container

How to use GHCR images with Alpaquita Linux

Pull specific version

Get the latest build of specific version:

docker pull
docker pull
docker pull
docker pull
docker pull
docker pull
docker pull
docker pull
docker pull
docker pull
docker pull
docker pull
docker pull
docker pull
docker pull
docker pull

You can use the tag latest to get the latest musl version of any type of container.

Run specific version

Run command line in specific image:

docker run -it --rm

Replace the path to the specific version of Alpaquita container if needed.

Microsoft Container Registry (MCR) images

Microsoft Container Registry includes Alpaquita images with Liberica JDK Lite, Liberica NIK, C/C++, Python, and the base Alpaquita Linux image. All of them are provided with either optimized musl or glibc.

Summary of Alpaquita Linux MCR repositories

Repo nameDescription

The repository contains images with Liberica JDK Lite and Alpaquita Linux, including versions with CRaC support

The repository contains Alpaquita Linux images with Python and basic Python utilities
The repository contains Alpaquita Linux images with the GCC compiler, tools, and libraries for development in C/C++

The repository contains Alpaquita Linux images with the Liberica Native Image Kit

The base images from this repository can be used 'as is' or serve as a base for customization by installing additional software from Alpaquita Linux repositories

  • latest
  • musl
  • glibc

For liberica-runtime-container these tags could prove to be useful:

  • jdk
  • jre
  • slim
  • all
  • crac

You can also use tags to search for a specific Liberica JDK or Liberica NIK versions in liberica-runtime-container and liberica-native-image-kit-container

How to use MCR images with Alpaquita Linux

Pull specific version

Get the latest build of specific version:

docker pull
docker pull
docker pull
docker pull
docker pull
docker pull
docker pull
docker pull
docker pull
docker pull
docker pull
docker pull
docker pull
docker pull
docker pull
docker pull

You can use the tag latest to get the latest musl version of any type of container.

Run specific version

Run command line in specific image:

docker run -it --rm

Replace the path to the specific version of Alpaquita container if needed.

Available tags and JDK versions

The table below summarizes the tags available in BellSoft’s repositories across all container registries. Note that Liberica Runtime Container (Liberica JDK Lite with Alpaquita Linux*) supports only LTS Java versions (8, 11, 17, 21). The ‘latest’ tag in all repositories points to the latest version of an image.

VersionsTagsTag structure
Liberica Runtime Container
  • Java version (8, 11, 17, 21, 24)
  • JDK type (jdk, jdk-all with jlink, jre)
  • libc type (musl or glibc)
<JDK type>-<Java version>-[crac]-[cds]-[slim]-<libc type>. The slim version (with 'slim' in its tag) is smaller, as it does not ship the APK package manager and consists of a single layer. CDS version (with 'cds' in its tag) contains Class Data Sharing archives which helps launching JVM faster. CRaC version (with 'crac' in its tag) supports Coordinated Restore at Checkpoint for faster startup.
Alpaquita with NIK Container
  • Java version (11, 17, 22)
  • NIK version (22, 24)
  • libc type (musl or glibc)
jdk-<Java version>-nik-<NIK version>-<libc type>
Alpaquita with Python container
  • Python version (3.x)
  • libc type (musl or glibc)
<Python version>-<libc type>
Alpaquita with the GCC container
  • GCC version (13.x)
  • libc type (musl or glibc)
<GCC version>-<libc type>
Alpaquita base image
  • libc type (musl or glibc)
stream-<libc type>
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* This field is required