Liberica JDK 18+37 Release Notes

The full version string for this update release is 18+37. The version number is 18.

Liberica JDK 18+37

Liberica is a certified, Java SE 18-compliant distribution of OpenJDK 18 which works on server (Linux x86_64, Linux ARM64, Solaris SPARC, Solaris x64, Windows 64), desktop (Windows 64, Windows 32, Mac, Linux x86_64), and embedded devices (Linux ARM64, Linux ARMv7, including Raspberry Pi 2 & 3 (ARMv6 hardfloat)). It has the following notable additions:

  • Linux x86_64 version contains experimental support for ZGC.
  • Linux x86_64, ARMv8 and ARMv7 distributions include a choice of Client VM, Server VM and Minimal VM.
  • Alpine Linux x86_64 version is build with musl support.
  • Windows x86_64, Windows x86, Windows ARMv8, Mac, Linux x86_64, Linux x86 and Linux ARMv7 distributions contain OpenJFX 18.
  • Linux ARMv7 distribution contains Device IO API compiled for Raspberry Pi.

Please refer to the Oracle JDK 18 release notes for further information on JDK 18 features. This document further outlines the peculiarities of Liberica distribution as compared to Oracle JDK 18 distribution.

Supported Server and Desktop configurations

Liberica is supported on the following OSes:

  • Ubuntu Linux 16.04, 18.04, 20.04 (x86, x86_64, ARMv7, ARMv8)
  • Debian Linux 8, 9, 10 (x86, x86_64, ARMv7, ARMv8)
  • Red Hat, Oracle Linux and CentOS 8x, 6.x, 7.x (x86, x86_64, ARMv7, ARMv8)
  • Alpine Linux 3.7+ (x86_64, ARMv8)
  • SUSE Linux Enterprise 12, 15 and tumbleweed (x86_64, ARMv8)
  • Apple macOS 10.11+ (x86_64, ARMv8)
  • Microsoft Windows 2019, Windows 2016, Windows 2012 R2, Windows 10, Windows 8, Windows 7 (x86, x86_64, ARMv8)

It is also known to work on other Linux distributions and Windows versions.

Note: The minimum supported Linux kernel version is 2.6.18 and GLIBC version 2.6. LibericaFX works on all supported Ubuntu versions, Red Hat Linux family starting from 7.x and SUSE versions with GTK3 backend.

Supported Embedded configurations

Liberica is tested and certified on Raspberry Pi 2, 3 and 4 running the following OSes:

  • Raspbian OS (armhf)
  • OpenSUSE (armv8)

It is also known to work with Debian (armhf) and Ubuntu (armhf).

Liberica JDK 18 distribution

Liberica JDK 18 are distributed as .rpm, .zip, .deb and .tar.gz packages. Please select the one which is most appropriate for your purposes.

Liberica JDK 18 introduced all new features supported by OpenJDK 18.

With the introduction of the Jigsaw feature in JDK 9 and Minimal VM it is now possible to create a Runtime that is sufficient to run your application and trim down the size of the Runtime. To generate a Runtime with just the Minimal VM, add --vm=minimal to jlink options.

Liberica JDK continues to provide support for AOT and Graal JIT. Since in OpenJDK 18 builds these features are deemed experimental and deprecated, it is recommended to compile native executables with Liberica Native Image Kit to avoid errors.

By default, the Liberica uses Server VM. Server VM and Client VM can be enabled with -server and -client command line options, respectively. In case the deployment requires to minimize the footprint, it may be beneficial to use Minimal VM, which emphasises on a minimal footprint. It has C1 JIT compiler only, Serial GC and no serviceability features.

LibericaFX for the Raspberry Pi

Liberica JDK 18 come with a bundled LibericaFX implementation, which is based on OpenJFX. The following tables lists Java FX modules status of Liberica distribution

  • Java FX Graphics - works.
  • Java FX Controls - works.
  • Java FX Media - does not work.
  • Java FX Webkit - does not work.

The following pipelines are known to work: EGL, SW (direct framebuffer) and GTK. By default, Liberica tries to use the accelerated EGL pipeline, which requires the presence of EGL libraries. If they are not found, the implementation falls back to software rendering.

Use the following command line options to specify the rendering pipeline:

  • -Dprism.order=sw forces the use of software rendering pipeline. *
  • -Dprism.order=es2 forces the use of EGL pipeline and hardware acceleration. *
  • -Djavafx.platform=gtk if you would like to launch a LibericaFX application using Liberica from X11.

* Not supported on Raspberry Pi 4.

Please refer to the following wiki for more information.

Device IO API for the Raspberry Pi

Liberica JDK 18 comes with a bundled OpenJDK Device I/O (DIO) API implementation module. DIO provides a Java API for accessing Raspberry PI GPIO pins and for communicating with peripheral devices:

  • General Purpose Input/Output (GPIO).
  • Inter-Integrated Circuit Bus (I2C), Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI).
  • Universal Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter (UART).

Please refer to the following wiki for more information.

Security Baselines

BellSoft Liberica follows the security baselines for Oracle Java SE. Please refer to the Oracle documentation for a list of issues fixed in a given release.

Known Issues

LibericaFX and EGL on Raspbian

As of 2017, the default location of Broadcom and has changed in Raspbian OS. If you'd like to leverage hardware EGL acceleration available from Broadcom video drivers in LibericaFX while running a recent Raspbian OS, run the following command:

cd /opt/vc/lib
sudo ln -s
sudo ln -s

Issues fixed

Issue Description
JDK-4337793 Mark non-serializable fields of and CertPath
JDK-4718400 Many quantities are held as signed that should be unsigned
JDK-4819544 SwingSet2 JTable Demo throws NullPointerException
JDK-4847239 (spec) File.createTempFile() should make it clear that it doesn't create the temporary directory
JDK-5015261 NPE may be thrown if JDesktopIcon is set to null on a JInternalFrame
JDK-6350025 API documentation for JOptionPane using deprecated methods.
JDK-6506405 Math.abs(float) is slow
JDK-6633375 FileOutputStream_md.c should be merged into FileOutputStream.c
JDK-6789980 JEditorPane background color not honored with Nimbus L&F
JDK-6854300 [TEST_BUG] java/awt/event/MouseEvent/SpuriousExitEnter/ fails in jdk6u14 & jdk7
JDK-6949259 G1: Merge sparse and fine remembered set hash tables
JDK-7008363 TEST_BUG: test/java/lang/StringCoding/ does nothing and is very slow at that
JDK-7124287 [macosx] JTableHeader doesn't get focus after pressing F8 key
JDK-7188098 TEST_BUG: closed/javax/sound/midi/Synthesizer/Receiver/ fails
JDK-8008243 Zero: Implement fast bytecodes
JDK-8012267 ciReplay: fails to resolve @SignaturePolymorphic methods in replay data
JDK-8012268 ciReplay: process_ciInstanceKlass: JVM_CONSTANT_MethodHandle not supported
JDK-8013527 calling MethodHandles.lookup on itself leads to errors
JDK-8017163 G1: Refactor remembered sets
JDK-8017175 [TESTBUG] javax/swing/JPopupMenu/4634626/ sometimes failed on mac
JDK-8041125 ColorConvertOp filter much slower in JDK 8 compared to JDK7
JDK-8048190 NoClassDefFoundError omits original ExceptionInInitializerError
JDK-8048504 G1: Investigate replacing the coarse and fine grained data structures in the remembered sets
JDK-8049301 Suspicious use of string identity checks in JComponent.setUIProperty
JDK-8049520 FileCredentialsCache loads cache once and is never refreshed
JDK-8051680 (ref) unnecessary process_soft_ref_reconsider
JDK-8058704 Nimbus does not honor JTextPane background color
JDK-8075806 divideExact is missing in java.lang.Math
JDK-8078641 MethodHandle.asTypeCache can retain classes from unloading
JDK-8079267 [TEST_BUG] Test java/awt/Frame/MiscUndecorated/ fails
JDK-8089398 [ChoiceBox, ComboBox] throws NPE on setting value on null selectionModel
JDK-8090158 Wrong implementation of adjustValue in scrollBars
JDK-8090547 Allow for transparent backgrounds in WebView
JDK-8132785 java/lang/management/ThreadMXBean/ fails intermittently
JDK-8133686 HttpURLConnection.getHeaderFields and URLConnection.getRequestProperties methods return field values in reverse order
JDK-8133873 Simplify NMethodOopClosure
JDK-8137101 [TEST_BUG] javax/swing/plaf/basic/BasicHTML/4251579/ failure due to timing
JDK-8140241 (fc) Data transfer from FileChannel to itself causes hang in case of overlap
JDK-8140442 Add getOutermostTypeElement to javax.lang.model utility class
JDK-8151594 Move concurrent refinement thread activation logging out of GC pause
JDK-8153490 Cannot setBytes() if incoming buffer's length is bigger than number of elements we want to insert.
JDK-8154011 Make TraceDeoptimization a diagnostic flag
JDK-8159979 During initial mark, preparing all regions for marking may take a significant amount of time
JDK-8160597 IllegalArgumentException when we initiate drag on Image
JDK-8160675 Issue lint warning for non-serializable non-transient instance fields in serializable type
JDK-8168388 GetMousePositionTest fails with the message "Mouse position should not be null"
JDK-8169098 [TestBug] Manual test case for JDK-8089915
JDK-8169468 fails because FS Window didn't receive all resizes!
JDK-8171382 java.time.Duration missing isPositive method
JDK-8172065 javax/swing/JTree/4908142/ The selected index should be "aad"
JDK-8172095 Let Node.managed become CSS-styleable
JDK-8174819 java/nio/file/WatchService/ fails intermittently
JDK-8177814 jdk/editpad is not in jdk TEST.groups
JDK-8177819 DateTimeFormatterBuilder zone parsing should recognise DST
JDK-8185844 MSCAPI doesn't list aliases correctly
JDK-8186670 Implement _onSpinWait() intrinsic for AArch64
JDK-8187474 Tree-/TableCell, TreeCell: editingCell/Item not updated in cell.startEdit
JDK-8188026 TextFieldXXCell: NPE on calling startEdit
JDK-8188027 List/TableCell: must not fire event in startEdit if already editing
JDK-8188044 We need Math.unsignedMultiplyHigh
JDK-8188046 java.lang.Math.mutliplyHigh does not run in constant time
JDK-8189591 No way to locally suppress doclint warnings
JDK-8190748 java/text/Format/DateFormat/ and NonGregorianFormatTest fail intermittently
JDK-8190753 (zipfs): Accessing a large entry (> 2^31 bytes) leads to a negative initial size for ByteArrayOutputStream
JDK-8191995 Regression: DatePicker must commit on focusLost
JDK-8192931 Regression test java/awt/font/TextLayout/ fails
JDK-8193559 ugly DO_JAVA_THREADS macro should be replaced
JDK-8193682 Infinite loop in ZipOutputStream.close()
JDK-8195809 [TESTBUG] jps and jcmd -l support for containers is not tested
JDK-8196017 java/awt/Mouse/GetMousePositionTest/ fails
JDK-8196440 Regression automated Test 'java/awt/TrayIcon/PopupMenuLeakTest/' fails
JDK-8197991 Selecting many items in a TableView is very slow
JDK-8198336 java/awt/FontMetrics/ fails in headless mode
JDK-8198626 java/awt/KeyboardFocusmanager/TypeAhead/TestDialogTypeAhead.html fails on mac
JDK-8199594 Add doc describing how (?x) ignores spaces in character classes
JDK-8201538 Remove implementation support for applets from JavaFX
JDK-8202056 Expand serial warning to check for bad overloads of serial-related methods and ineffectual fields
JDK-8202667 java/awt/Debug/DumpOnKey/ times out on Windows
JDK-8202926 Test java/awt/Focus/WindowUpdateFocusabilityTest/WindowUpdateFocusabilityTest.html fails
JDK-8202932 java/awt/Component/NativeInLightShow/ fails
JDK-8203463 [Accessibility, Narrator] NPE in TableView
JDK-8205137 Remove Applet support from SwingSet2
JDK-8205138 Remove Applet references from Font2DTest
JDK-8205139 Remove Applet support from J2Ddemo
JDK-8205915 [macOS] Accelerator assigned to button in dialog fires menuItem in owning stage
JDK-8206181 ExceptionInInitializerError: improve handling of exceptions in user-provided taglets
JDK-8209776 Refactor jdk/security/JavaDotSecurity/ to plain java test
JDK-8210558 serviceability/sa/ fails to find '^\s+- waiting to lock <0x[0-9a-f]+> (a java.lang.Class ...'
JDK-8210927 JDB tests do not update source path after doing a redefine class
JDK-8211002 test/jdk/java/lang/Math/ skips testing for non-corner-case values
JDK-8211230 JFR: internal events
JDK-8212088 Missing copyright notices for property files
JDK-8212961 [TESTBUG] vmTestbase/nsk/stress/jni/ native code cleanup
JDK-8213120 java/awt/TextArea/AutoScrollOnSelectAndAppend/ fails on mac10.13
JDK-8213714 AttachingConnector/attach/attach001 failed due to "bind failed: Address already in use"
JDK-8214158 Implement HostServices.showDocument on macOS without calling AWT
JDK-8214761 Bug in parallel Kahan summation implementation
JDK-8215948 [TESTBUG] gtest pseudo-JavaThreads could be more regular JavaThreads
JDK-8221360 Eliminate Shared_DirtyCardQ_lock
JDK-8222455 JavaFX error loading glass.dll from cache
JDK-8223358 Incorrect HTML structure in annotation pages
JDK-8223923 C2: Missing interference with mismatched unsafe accesses
JDK-8224922 Access JavaFileObject from Element(s)
JDK-8225082 Remove IdenTrust certificate that is expiring in September 2021
JDK-8225083 Remove Google certificate that is expiring in December 2021
JDK-8225181 KeyStore should have a getAttributes method
JDK-8225313 serviceability/jvmti/HeapMonitor/MyPackage/ failed with Unexpected high difference percentage
JDK-8225488 Examine ExecutableType.getReceiverType behavior when source receiver parameter is absent
JDK-8225559 assertion error at TransTypes.visitApply
JDK-8227371 Drag&Drop while holding the CMD key does not work on macOS
JDK-8229031 Exporting CLASSPATH from shell can result in build failures
JDK-8230130 javadoc search result dialog shows cut off headers for long results
JDK-8231107 Allow store password to be null when saving a PKCS12 KeyStore
JDK-8231356 Fix broken ResourceObj::operator new[] in debug builds
JDK-8231490 Ugly racy writes to ZipUtils.defaultBuf
JDK-8231601 Update to clarify process for contributing features plus Skara changes
JDK-8231640 (prop) Canonical property storage
JDK-8231644 TreeTableView Regression: Indentation wrong using Label as column content type
JDK-8232066 Remove outdated code/methods from PKIX implementation
JDK-8232812 [MacOS] Double click title bar does not restore window size
JDK-8233020 (fs) UnixFileSystemProvider should use StaticProperty.userDir().
JDK-8233557 [TESTBUG] fails on macOs
JDK-8233558 [TESTBUG] fails on macos
JDK-8233648 [TESTBUG] failing on macos
JDK-8233724 Remove -Wc++14-compat warning suppression in operator_new.cpp
JDK-8233749 Files.exists javadoc doesn't mention eating IOException
JDK-8234921 Add DirectionalLight to the selection of 3D light types
JDK-8235876 Misleading warning message in java source-file mode
JDK-8236176 Parallel GC SplitInfo comment should be updated for shadow regions
JDK-8236212 CompiledMethodLoad and CompiledMethodUnload events can be posted in START phase
JDK-8236505 Mark jdk/editpad/ as @headful
JDK-8236689 macOS 10.15 Catalina: LCD text renders badly
JDK-8237567 Refactor G1-specific code in shared VM_CollectForMetadataAllocation
JDK-8238274 (sctp) JDK-7118373 is not fixed for SctpChannel
JDK-8238649 Call new Win32 API SetThreadDescription in os::set_native_thread_name
JDK-8239502 [TEST_BUG] Test javax/swing/text/FlowView/6318524/ never fails
JDK-8240506 TextFieldSkin/Behavior: misbehavior on switching skin
JDK-8240640 [macos] Wrong focus behaviour with multiple Alerts
JDK-8242531 [macos] JavaFX OSXPlatform tries to load nonexistent libjfxmedia_qtkit
JDK-8242544 CMD+ENTER key event crashes the application when invoked on dialog
JDK-8242847 G1 should not clear mark bitmaps with no marks
JDK-8243543 jtreg test security/infra/java/security/cert/CertPathValidator/certification/ fails
JDK-8243585 AlgorithmChecker::check throws confusing exception when it rejects the signer key
JDK-8244162 Additional opportunities to use NONCOPYABLE
JDK-8244202 Implementation of JEP 418: Internet-Address Resolution SPI
JDK-8244419 TextAreaSkin: throws UnsupportedOperation on dispose
JDK-8244602 Add JTREG_REPEAT_COUNT to repeat execution of a test
JDK-8244675 assert(IncrementalInline || (_late_inlines.length() == 0 && !has_mh_late_inlines()))
JDK-8245095 Implementation of JEP 408: Simple Web Server
JDK-8245877 assert(_value != __null) failed: resolving NULL _value in JvmtiExport::post_compiled_method_load
JDK-8246797 A convenient method to read OPTIONAL element
JDK-8247351 [aarch64] NullPointerException during stack walking (clhsdb "where -a")
JDK-8247973 Javadoc incorrect for IdentityArrayList, IdentityLinkedList
JDK-8247980 Exclusive execution of java/util/stream tests slows down tier1
JDK-8248001 javadoc generates invalid HTML pages whose ftp:// links are broken
JDK-8248584 Enable CHECK_UNHANDLED_OOPS for Windows fastdebug builds
JDK-8248899 security/infra/java/security/cert/CertPathValidator/certification/ fails, Certificate has been revoked
JDK-8249004 Reduce ThreadsListHandle overhead in relation to direct handshakes
JDK-8249634 doclint should report implicit constructor as missing javadoc comments
JDK-8250590 Classes and methods in the javafx.css package are missing documentation
JDK-8250678 ModuleDescriptor.Version parsing treats empty segments inconsistently
JDK-8251134 Unwrapping a key with a Private Key generated by Microsoft CNG fails
JDK-8251216 Implement MD5 intrinsics on AArch64
JDK-8251329 (zipfs) Files.walkFileTree walks infinitely if zip has dir named "." inside
JDK-8251400 Fix incorrect addition of library to test in JDK-8237858
JDK-8251468 X509Certificate.getAlternativeNames and getExtendedKeyUsage do not throw CertificateParsingException if extension is unparseable
JDK-8251513 Code around Parse::do_lookupswitch/do_tableswitch should be cleaned up
JDK-8251904 vmTestbase/nsk/sysdict/vm/stress/btree/btree010/ fails with ClassNotFoundException: nsk.sysdict.share.BTree0LLRLRLRRLR
JDK-8252842 Extend jmap to support parallel heap dump
JDK-8252990 Intrinsify Unsafe.storeStoreFence
JDK-8253119 Remove the legacy PlainSocketImpl and PlainDatagramSocketImpl implementation
JDK-8253178 Replace LinkedList Impl in net.http.FilterFactory
JDK-8253197 vmTestbase/nsk/jvmti/StopThread/stopthrd007/ fails with "ERROR: DebuggeeSleepingThread: ThreadDeath lost"
JDK-8253343 Extract G1 Young GC algorithm related code from G1CollectedHeap
JDK-8253351 MediaPlayer does not display an mp4 if there no speakers connected to the PC's
JDK-8253779 Amalloc may be wasting space by overaligning
JDK-8254108 ciReplay: Support incremental inlining
JDK-8254167 G1: Record regions where evacuation failed to provide targeted iteration
JDK-8254267 javax/xml/crypto/dsig/ failed with "RuntimeException: Unexpected log output:"
JDK-8254318 Remove .hgtags
JDK-8254739 G1: Optimize evacuation failure for regions with few failed objects
JDK-8254956 [REDO] Memoryleak: Closed focused Stages are not collected with Monocle
JDK-8255015 Inconsistent illumination of 3D shape by PointLight
JDK-8255286 Implement ParametersTypeData::print_data_on fully
JDK-8255409 Support the new C_GetInterfaceList, C_GetInterface, and C_SessionCancel APIs in PKCS#11 v3.0
JDK-8255724 [XRender] the BlitRotateClippedArea test fails on Linux in the XR pipeline
JDK-8255898 Test java/awt/FileDialog/FilenameFilterTest/ fails on Mac OS
JDK-8256208 Javadoc's generated overview does not show classes of unnamed package
JDK-8256291 RunThese30M fails "assert(_class_unload ? true : ((((JfrTraceIdBits::load(class_loader_klass)) & ((1 << 4) << 8)) != 0))) failed: invariant"
JDK-8256306 ObjectMonitor::_contentions field should not be 'jint'
JDK-8256425 Obsolete Biased Locking in JDK 18
JDK-8256735 JFR: 'jfr' tool displays incorrect timestamps
JDK-8256844 Make NMT late-initializable
JDK-8256977 Bump minimum GCC from 5.x to 6 for JDK
JDK-8257038 Remove expired flags in JDK 18
JDK-8257534 misc tests failed with "NoClassDefFoundError: Could not initialize class java.util.concurrent.ThreadLocalRandom"
JDK-8257540 javax/swing/JFileChooser/8041694/ failed with "RuntimeException: The selected directory name is not the expected 'd ' but 'D '."
JDK-8257722 Improve "keytool -printcert -jarfile" output
JDK-8257856 Make robust to JDK version updates
JDK-8258117 jar tool sets the time stamp of module-info.class entries to the current time
JDK-8258192 Obsolete the CriticalJNINatives flag
JDK-8258465 Headless build fails due to missing X11 headers on linux
JDK-8258512 serviceability/sa/ timed out on macOS 10.13.6
JDK-8258734 jdk/jfr/event/oldobject/ failed with "RuntimeException: Could not find class leak"
JDK-8258951 java/net/httpclient/ failed with "RuntimeException: Not found expected SSLHandshakeException in"
JDK-8259039 Passing different version to --release flag than javac version output warning
JDK-8259066 Obsolete -XX:+AlwaysLockClassLoader
JDK-8259338 Add expiry exception for identrustdstx3 alias to test
JDK-8259609 C2: optimize long range checks in long counted loops
JDK-8259643 ZGC can return metaspace OOM prematurely
JDK-8259948 Aarch64: Add cast nodes for Aarch64 Neon backend
JDK-8260262 Use common code in function unmap_shared() in perfMemory_posix.cpp
JDK-8260265 UTF-8 by Default
JDK-8260428 Drop support for pre JDK 1.4 DatagramSocketImpl implementations
JDK-8260540 serviceability/jdwp/ failed with "Debuggee error: 'ERROR: transport error 202: bind failed: Address already in use'"
JDK-8261006 'super' qualified method references cannot occur in a static context
JDK-8261088 Repeatable annotations without @Target cannot have containers that target module declarations
JDK-8261236 C2: ClhsdbJstackXcompStress test fails when StressGCM is enabled
JDK-8261441 JFR: Filename expansion
JDK-8261495 Shenandoah: reconsider update references memory ordering
JDK-8261579 AArch64: Support for weaker memory ordering in Atomic
JDK-8261847 performance of java.lang.Record::toString should be improved
JDK-8261941 Use ClassLoader for unregistered classes during -Xshare:dump
JDK-8262031 Create implementation for NSAccessibilityNavigableStaticText protocol
JDK-8262095 NPE in Flow$FlowAnalyzer.visitApply: Cannot invoke getThrownTypes because tree.meth.type is null
JDK-8262134 compiler/uncommontrap/ failed with "guarantee(false) failed: wrong number of expression stack elements during deopt"
JDK-8262186 Call X509KeyManager.chooseClientAlias once for all key types
JDK-8262297 ImageIO.write() method will throw IndexOutOfBoundsException
JDK-8262341 Refine identical code in AddI/LNode.
JDK-8262386 resourcehogs/serviceability/sa/ timed out
JDK-8262731 [macOS] Exception from "Printable.print" is swallowed during "PrinterJob.print"
JDK-8262751 RenderPipelineState assertion error in J2DDemo
JDK-8262912 ciReplay: replay does not simulate unresolved classes
JDK-8262944 Improve exception message when automatic module lists provider class not in JAR file
JDK-8262945 [macos] Regression Manual Test for Key Events Fails
JDK-8263059 security/infra/java/security/cert/CertPathValidator/certification/ fails due to revoked cert
JDK-8263111 Enhance String Conclusions
JDK-8263155 Allow additional contents for DMG
JDK-8263314 Enhance XML Dsig modes
JDK-8263364 sun/net/www/http/KeepAliveStream/ wedged in getInputStream
JDK-8263375 Support stack watermarks in Zero VM
JDK-8263385 IGV: Graph is not opened in the window that has focus.
JDK-8263389 IGV: Zooming changes the point that is currently centered
JDK-8263461 jdk/jfr/event/gc/detailed/ uses wrong mechanism to cause evacuation failure
JDK-8263531 Remove unused buffer int
JDK-8263538 should test -Xshare:auto as well
JDK-8263561 Re-examine uses of LinkedList
JDK-8263567 gtests don't terminate the VM safely
JDK-8263640 hs_err improvement: handle class path longer than O_BUFLEN
JDK-8263773 Reenable German localization for builds at Oracle
JDK-8263840 PeriodicTask should declare its destructor virtual
JDK-8263940 NPE when creating default file system when default file system provider is packaged as JAR file on class path
JDK-8264125 Specification of Taskbar::getIconImage doesn't mention that the returned image might not be equal to the Taskbar::setIconImage one. (eg on Mac OS)
JDK-8264207 CodeStrings does not honour fixed address assumption.
JDK-8264274 Block tags in overview.html are ignored
JDK-8264286 Create implementation for NSAccessibilityColumn protocol peer
JDK-8264287 Create implementation for NSAccessibilityComboBox protocol peer
JDK-8264291 Create implementation for NSAccessibilityCell protocol peer
JDK-8264292 Create implementation for NSAccessibilityList protocol peer
JDK-8264293 Create implementation for NSAccessibilityMenu protocol peer
JDK-8264294 Create implementation for NSAccessibilityMenuBar protocol peer
JDK-8264295 Create implementation for NSAccessibilityMenuItem protocol peer
JDK-8264296 Create implementation for NSAccessibilityPopUpButton protocol peer
JDK-8264297 Create implementation for NSAccessibilityProgressIndicator protocol peer
JDK-8264298 Create implementation for NSAccessibilityRow protocol peer
JDK-8264303 Create implementation for NSAccessibilityTabGroup protocol peer
JDK-8264322 Generate CDS archive when creating custom JDK image
JDK-8264419 Remove has_max_index argument from G1BlockOffsetTablePart::block_at_or_preceding
JDK-8264485[]) creates malformed hex strings
JDK-8264517 C2: make MachCallNode::return_value_is_used() only available for x86
JDK-8264543 Cross modify fence optimization for x86
JDK-8264605 vmTestbase/nsk/jvmti/SuspendThread/suspendthrd003/ failed with "agent_tools.cpp, 471: (foundThread = (jthread) jni_env->NewGlobalRef(foundThread)) != NULL"
JDK-8264707 HotSpot Style Guide should permit use of lambda
JDK-8264735 Make dynamic dump repeatable
JDK-8264736 Fix mistakes in FX API docs
JDK-8264792 The NumberFormat for locale sq_XK formats price incorrectly.
JDK-8264838 IGV: enhance graph export functionality
JDK-8264849 Add KW and KWP support to PKCS11 provider
JDK-8264908 Investigate adding BOT range check in G1BlockOffsetTablePart::block_at_or_preceding
JDK-8264934 Enhance cross VM serialization
JDK-8264941 Remove CodeCache::mark_for_evol_deoptimization() method
JDK-8265057 G1: Investigate removal of maintenance of two BOT thresholds
JDK-8265150 AsyncGetCallTrace crashes on ResourceMark
JDK-8265167 Richer Text Editors
JDK-8265253 javac -Xdoclint:all gives "no comment" warning for code that can't be commented
JDK-8265261 java/nio/file/Files/ fails with java.lang.RuntimeException: Copy was not interrupted
JDK-8265317 [vector] assert(payload->is_object()) failed: expected 'object' value for scalar-replaced boxed vector but got: NULL
JDK-8265443 IGV: disambiguate groups by emiting additional properties
JDK-8265474 Dubious 'null' assignment in CompactByteArray.expand
JDK-8265489 Stress test times out because of long ObjectSynchronizer::monitors_iterate(...) operation
JDK-8265518 C1: Intrinsic support for Preconditions.checkIndex
JDK-8265574 Improve handling of sheets
JDK-8265580 Enhanced style for RTF kit
JDK-8265602 -XX:DumpLoadedClassList should support custom loaders
JDK-8265604 Support unlinked classes in dynamic CDS archive
JDK-8265776 Improve Stream handling for SSL
JDK-8265795 vmTestbase/nsk/jvmti/AttachOnDemand/attach022/ fails when running with JEP 416
JDK-8265796 vmTestbase/nsk/jdi/ObjectReference/referringObjects/referringObjects002/ fails when running with JEP 416
JDK-8265888 StandardJavaFileManager::setLocationForModule specification misses 'Implementation Requirements:'
JDK-8265909 failed detecting missing path of dtd_home
JDK-8265919 RunThese30M fails "assert((!(((((JfrTraceIdBits::load(value)) & ((1 << 4) << 8)) != 0))))) failed: invariant"
JDK-8266054 VectorAPI rotate operation optimization
JDK-8266079 Lanai: AlphaComposite shows differences on Metal compared to OpenGL
JDK-8266082 AssertionError in Annotate.fromAnnotations with -Xdoclint
JDK-8266097 Better hashing support
JDK-8266103 Better specified spec values
JDK-8266109 More Resilient Classloading
JDK-8266115 More Manifest Jar Loading
JDK-8266137 Improve Keystore integrity
JDK-8266182 Automate manual steps listed in the test jdk/sun/security/pkcs12/
JDK-8266239 Some duplicated javac command-line options have repeated effect
JDK-8266310 deadlock between System.loadLibrary and JNI FindClass loading another class
JDK-8266368 Inaccurate after_unwind hook in C2 exception handler
JDK-8266407 remove jdk.internal.javac.PreviewFeature.Feature.SEALED_CLASSES
JDK-8266435 should not truncate the input stream
JDK-8266490 Extend the OSContainer API to support the pids controller of cgroups
JDK-8266510 Nimbus JTree default tree cell renderer does not use selected text color
JDK-8266519 Cleanup resolve() leftovers from BarrierSet et al
JDK-8266550 C2: mirror TypeOopPtr/TypeInstPtr/TypeAryPtr with TypeKlassPtr/TypeInstKlassPtr/TypeAryKlassPtr
JDK-8266565 Spec of ForwardingJavaFileManager/ForwardingFileObject/ForwardingJavaFileObject methods should mention delegation instead of being copied
JDK-8266578 Disambiguate BigDecimal description of scale
JDK-8266593 vmTestbase/nsk/jvmti/PopFrame/popframe011 fails with "assert(java_thread == _state->get_thread()) failed: Must be"
JDK-8266666 Implementation for snippets
JDK-8266689 More Constrained Delegation
JDK-8266746 C1: Replace UnsafeGetRaw with UnsafeGet when setting up OSR entry block
JDK-8266791 Annotation property which is compiled as an array property but changed to a single element throws NullPointerException
JDK-8266839 Enable pandoc on macosx-aarch64 at Oracle
JDK-8266901 Clarify the method description of Duration.toDaysPart()
JDK-8266936 Add a finalization JFR event
JDK-8266972 Use String.concat() in j.l.Class where invokedynamic-based String concatenation is not available
JDK-8266988 compiler/jvmci/compilerToVM/ fails with Unexpected isMature state for multiple times invoked method: expected false to equal true
JDK-8267042 bug in monitor locking/unlocking on ARM32 C1 due to uninitialized BasicObjectLock::_displaced_header
JDK-8267059 Gradle :clean and :apps tasks fail on Windows if ANT_HOME contains spaces
JDK-8267075 jcmd VM.cds should print directory of the output files
JDK-8267108 Alternate Subject.getSubject and doAs APIs that do not depend on Security Manager APIs
JDK-8267125 AES Galois CounterMode (GCM) interleaved implementation using AVX512 + VAES instructions
JDK-8267138 Stray suffix when starting gtests via
JDK-8267161 Write automated test case for JDK-4479161
JDK-8267163 Rename anonymous loader tests to hidden loader tests
JDK-8267185 Add string deduplication support to ParallelGC
JDK-8267186 Add string deduplication support to ZGC
JDK-8267188 gc/stringdedup/ fails with Shenandoah
JDK-8267189 Remove duplicated unregistered classes from dynamic archive
JDK-8267281 Call prepare_for_dynamic_dumping for jcmd dynamic_dump
JDK-8267303 Replace MinObjectAlignmentSize usages for non-Java heap objects
JDK-8267307 Introduce new client property for XAWT: xawt.mwm_decor_title
JDK-8267356 AArch64: Vector API SVE codegen support
JDK-8267385 Create NSAccessibilityElement implementation for JavaComponentAccessibility
JDK-8267387 Create implementation for NSAccessibilityOutline protocol
JDK-8267388 Create implementation for NSAccessibilityTable protocol
JDK-8267472 JavaFX modules to include version information
JDK-8267485 Remove the dependency on SecurityManager in
JDK-8267556 Enhance class paths check during runtime
JDK-8267579 Thread::cooked_allocated_bytes() hits assert(left >= right) failed: avoid underflow
JDK-8267625 AARCH64: typo in LIR_Assembler::emit_profile_type
JDK-8267630 Start of release updates for JDK 18
JDK-8267631 Add SourceVersion.RELEASE_18
JDK-8267632 Add source 18 and target 18 to javac
JDK-8267634 Update --release 17 symbol information for JDK 17 build 26
JDK-8267636 Bump minimum boot jdk to JDK 17
JDK-8267657 Add missing PrintC1Statistics before incrementing counters
JDK-8267666 Add option to jcmd GC.heap_dump to use existing file
JDK-8267712 Better LDAP reference processing
JDK-8267729 Improve TLS client handshaking
JDK-8267735 Better BMP support
JDK-8267752 KVHashtable doesn't deallocate entries
JDK-8267767 Redundant condition check in SafepointSynchronize::thread_not_running
JDK-8267833 Improve G1CardSetInlinePtr::add()
JDK-8267840 Improve URLStreamHandler.parseURL()
JDK-8267844 Replace Integer/Long.valueOf() with Integer/Long.parse*() where applicable
JDK-8267853 Remove unused styles from stylesheet
JDK-8267870 Remove unnecessary char_converter during class loading
JDK-8267893 Improve jtreg test failure handler do get native/mixed stack traces for cores and live processes
JDK-8267894 Skip work for empty regions in G1 Full GC
JDK-8267928 Loop predicate gets inexact loop limit before PhaseIdealLoop::rc_predicate
JDK-8267930 Refine code for loading hsdis library
JDK-8267940 [macos] java/awt/print/Dialog/ fails
JDK-8267956 C1 code cleanup
JDK-8267982 Set the node after peephole optimization to be removed
JDK-8268019 C2: assert(no_dead_loop) failed: dead loop detected
JDK-8268078 ClassListParser::_interfaces should be freed
JDK-8268084 [macos] Disabled JMenuItem arrow is not disabled
JDK-8268113 Re-use Long.hashCode() where possible
JDK-8268125 ZGC: Clone oop array gets wrong acopy stub
JDK-8268148 unchecked warnings handle ? and ? extends Object differently
JDK-8268193 Improve requests of certificates
JDK-8268199 Correct certificate requests
JDK-8268205 Enhance DTLS client handshake
JDK-8268223 Problemlist vmTestbase/nsk/jdi/HiddenClass/events/
JDK-8268231 Aarch64: Use ldp in intrinsics for String.compareTo
JDK-8268261 C2: assert(n != __null) failed: Bad immediate dominator info.
JDK-8268276 Base64 Decoding optimization for x86 using AVX-512
JDK-8268284 javax/swing/JComponent/7154030/ fails with "Exception: Failed to hide opaque button"
JDK-8268288 jdk/jfr/api/consumer/streaming/ fails with "Error: ShouldNotReachHere()"
JDK-8268290 Improve LockFreeQueue<> utility
JDK-8268294 Reusing HttpClient in a WebSocket.Listener hangs.
JDK-8268295 Tree- and TableCell sub implementations should respect the row editability
JDK-8268297 jdk/jfr/api/consumer/streaming/ times out
JDK-8268298 jdk/jfr/api/consumer/log/ fails: unexpected log message
JDK-8268361 Fix the infinite loop in next_line
JDK-8268363 AArch64: Implement string_indexof_char intrinsic in SVE
JDK-8268364 jmethod clearing should be done during unloading
JDK-8268368 Adopt cast notation for JavaThread conversions
JDK-8268420 new Reporter method to report a diagnostic within a DocTree node
JDK-8268425 Show decimal nid of OSThread instead of hex format one
JDK-8268427 Improve AlgorithmConstraints:checkAlgorithm performance
JDK-8268433 serviceability/dcmd/framework/ fails with Unable to send object throw not established PipeIO Listener Thread connection
JDK-8268435 (ch) ChannelInputStream could override readAllBytes
JDK-8268457 XML Transformer outputs Unicode supplementary character incorrectly to HTML
JDK-8268458 Add verification type for evacuation failures
JDK-8268464 Remove dependancy of TestHttpsServer, HttpTransaction, HttpCallback from open/test/jdk/sun/net/www/protocol/https/ tests
JDK-8268469 Update java.time to use switch expressions
JDK-8268488 More valuable DerValues
JDK-8268494 Better inlining of inlined interfaces
JDK-8268500 Better specified ParameterSpecs
JDK-8268506 More Manifest Digests
JDK-8268512 More content for ContentInfo
JDK-8268520 VirtualSpace::print_on() should be const
JDK-8268539 several serviceability/sa tests should be run in driver mode
JDK-8268556 Use bitmap for storing regions that failed evacuation
JDK-8268558 [TESTBUG] Case 2 in TestP11KeyFactoryGetRSAKeySpec is skipped
JDK-8268565 runtime/records/ should be run in driver mode
JDK-8268574 ProblemList tests failing due to UseBiasedLocking going away
JDK-8268575 Annotations not visible on model elements before they are generated
JDK-8268582 javadoc throws NPE with --ignore-source-errors option
JDK-8268595 java/io/Serializable/serialFilter/ failed in timeout
JDK-8268620 InfiniteLoopException test may fail on x86 platforms
JDK-8268626 Remove native pre-jdk9 support for jtreg failure handler
JDK-8268635 Corrupt oop in ClassLoaderData
JDK-8268637 Update --release 17 symbol information for JDK 17 build 28
JDK-8268638 semaphores of AsyncLogWriter may be broken when JVM is exiting.
JDK-8268644 ProblemList serviceability/sa/ in -Xcomp mode
JDK-8268647 Generation::expand_and_allocate has unused "parallel" argument
JDK-8268664 The documentation of the Scanner.hasNextLine is incorrect
JDK-8268678 test fails as Let’s Encrypt Authority X3 is retired
JDK-8268698 Use Objects.check for java.base
JDK-8268699 Shenandoah: Add test for JDK-8268127
JDK-8268718 [macos] Video stops, but audio continues to play when stopTime is reached
JDK-8268720 Unspecified checks on NameAndType constants should not be performed
JDK-8268725 jshell does not support the --enable-native-access option
JDK-8268727 Remove unused slowpath locking method in OptoRuntime
JDK-8268764 Use Long.hashCode() instead of int-cast where applicable
JDK-8268773 Improvements related to: Failed to start thread - pthread_create failed (EAGAIN)
JDK-8268778 CDS check_excluded_classes needs DumpTimeTable_lock
JDK-8268779 ZGC: runtime/InternalApi/ failed with "OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space"
JDK-8268780 Use 'print_cr' instead of 'print' for the message 'eliminated '
JDK-8268813 Better String matching
JDK-8268821 Split systemDictionaryShared.cpp
JDK-8268824 Remove unused jdk.accessibility APIs deprecated for removal in JDK 9
JDK-8268849 Update to 612.1 version of WebKit
JDK-8268852 AsyncLogWriter should not overide is_Named_thread()
JDK-8268855 Cleanup name handling in the Thread class and subclasses
JDK-8268857 Merge VM_PrintJNI and VM_PrintThreads and remove the unused field 'is_deadlock' of DeadlockCycle
JDK-8268858 Determine register pressure automatically by the number of available registers for allocation
JDK-8268860 Windows-Aarch64 build is failing in GitHub actions
JDK-8268869 java in source-file mode suggests javac-only Xlint flags
JDK-8268870 Remove dead code in metaspaceShared
JDK-8268873 Unnecessary Vector usage in java.base
JDK-8268882 C2: assert(n->outcnt() != 0 || C->top() == n || n->is_Proj()) failed: No dead instructions after post-alloc
JDK-8268885 duplicate checkcast when destination type is not first type of intersection type
JDK-8268893 jcmd to trim the glibc heap
JDK-8268894 forged ASTs can provoke an AIOOBE at
JDK-8268900 com/sun/net/httpserver/ Fix indentation and whitespace
JDK-8268902 Testing for threadObj != NULL is unnecessary in suspend handshake
JDK-8268906 gc/g1/mixedgc/ assumes that GCs take 1ms minimum
JDK-8268927 Windows: link error: unresolved external symbol "int __cdecl convert_to_unicode(char const *,wchar_t * *)"
JDK-8268952 Automatically update heap sizes in G1MonitoringScope
JDK-8268960 com/sun/net/httpserver/ Ensure mutators normalize keys and disallow null for keys and values
JDK-8268963 [IR Framework] Some default regexes matching on PrintOptoAssembly in do not work on all platforms
JDK-8268964 Remove unused ReferenceProcessorAtomicMutator
JDK-8268965 TCP Connection Reset when connecting simple socket to SSL server
JDK-8268967 Update to use switch expressions
JDK-8268974 GetJREPath() JLI function fails to locate if not standard Java launcher is used
JDK-8269003 Update the java manpage for JDK 18
JDK-8269004 Implement ResizableResourceHashtable
JDK-8269022 Put evacuation failure string directly into gc=info log message
JDK-8269029 compiler/codegen/ fails for client VMs
JDK-8269031 linux x86_64 check for binutils 2.25 or higher after 8265783
JDK-8269032 Stringdedup tests are failing if the ergonomically select GC does not support it
JDK-8269037 jsig/ doesn't have to be restricted to linux only
JDK-8269039 Disable SHA-1 Signed JARs
JDK-8269077 TestSystemGC uses "require vm.gc.G1" for large pages subtest
JDK-8269081 Tree/ListViewSkin: must remove flow on dispose
JDK-8269087 CheckSegmentedCodeCache test fails in an emulated-client VM
JDK-8269092 Add OldObjectSampleEvent.allocationSize field
JDK-8269110 ZGC: Remove dead code in zBarrier
JDK-8269113 Javac throws when compiling switch (null)
JDK-8269119 C2: Avoid redundant memory barriers in Unsafe.copyMemory0 intrinsic
JDK-8269120 Build failure with GCC 6.3.0 after JDK-8017163
JDK-8269122 The use of "extern const" for Register definitions generates poor code
JDK-8269124 Update java.time to use switch expressions (part II)
JDK-8269126 Rename G1AllowPreventiveGC option to G1UsePreventiveGC
JDK-8269129 Multiple tier1 tests in hotspot/jtreg/compiler are failing for client VMs
JDK-8269130 Replace usages of Collection.toArray() with Collection.toArray(T[]) to avoid redundant array copying
JDK-8269134 Remove sparsePRT.inline.hpp after JDK-8017163
JDK-8269135 TestDifferentProtectionDomains runs into timeout in client VM
JDK-8269138 Move typeArrayOop.inline.hpp include to vectorSupport.cpp
JDK-8269151 Better construction of EncryptedPrivateKeyInfo
JDK-8269175 [macosx-aarch64] wrong CPU speed in hs_err file
JDK-8269186 [REDO] Remove CodeCache::mark_for_evol_deoptimization() method
JDK-8269188 [BACKOUT] Remove CodeCache::mark_for_evol_deoptimization() method
JDK-8269206 A small typo in comment in test/lib/sun/hotspot/
JDK-8269216 Useless initialization in com/sun/crypto/provider/
JDK-8269222 Incorrect number of workers reported for reference processing
JDK-8269223 -Xcheck:jni WARNINGs working with fonts on Linux
JDK-8269225 JFR.stop misses the written info when the filename is only specified by JFR.start
JDK-8269258 java/net/httpclient/ failed with connection timeout
JDK-8269261 The PlaceHolder code uses Thread everywhere but is always dealing with JavaThreads
JDK-8269268 JDWP: Properly fix thread lookup assert in findThread()
JDK-8269269 [macos11] SystemIconTest fails with ClassCastException
JDK-8269280 (bf) Replace StringBuffer in *Buffer.toString()
JDK-8269293 ObjectMonitor thread id fields should be 64 bits.
JDK-8269294 Verify_before/after_young_collection should execute all verification
JDK-8269295 Verification time before/after young collection only covers parts of the verification
JDK-8269303 Remove unnecessary forward declaration of PSPromotionManager in cpCache.hpp
JDK-8269336 Malformed jdk.serialFilter incorrectly handled
JDK-8269342 CICrashAt=1 does not always catch first Java method
JDK-8269373 some tests in jdk/tools/launcher/ fails on localized Windows platform
JDK-8269374 Menu inoperable after setting stage to second monitor
JDK-8269387 jpackage --add-launcher should have option to not create shortcuts for additional launchers
JDK-8269401 Merge "Exceptions" and "Errors" into "Exception Classes"
JDK-8269404 Base64 Encoding optimization enhancements for x86 using AVX-512
JDK-8269409 Post JEP 411 refactoring: core-libs with maximum covering > 10K
JDK-8269416 [JVMCI] capture libjvmci crash data to a file
JDK-8269417 Minor clarification on NonblockingQueue utility
JDK-8269418 jdk/jfr/event/oldobject/ failed with "RuntimeException: No events: expected false, was true"
JDK-8269425 2 jdk/jfr/api/consumer/streaming tests failed to attach
JDK-8269433 Remove effectively unused ReferenceProcessor::_enqueuing_is_done
JDK-8269466 Factor out the common code for initializing and starting internal VM JavaThreads
JDK-8269478 Shenandoah: gc/shenandoah/mxbeans tests should be more resilient
JDK-8269481 SctpMultiChannel never releases own file descriptor
JDK-8269516 AArch64: Assembler cleanups
JDK-8269523 runtime/Safepoint/ failed when expecting 'VM operation took too long'
JDK-8269530 runtime/ParallelLoad/ timeout
JDK-8269559 AArch64: Implement string_compare intrinsic in SVE
JDK-8269571 NMT should print total malloc bytes and invocation count
JDK-8269574 C2: Avoid redundant uncommon traps in GraphKit::builtin_throw() for JVMTI exception events
JDK-8269592 [JVMCI] Optimize c2v_iterateFrames
JDK-8269596 Snapshot soft ref policy before marking/copying
JDK-8269597 Change JavaFX release version to 18
JDK-8269598 Regressions up to 5% on aarch64 seems due to JDK-8268858
JDK-8269615 Fix for 8263640 broke Windows build
JDK-8269616 serviceability/dcmd/framework/ fails with Address already in use error
JDK-8269618 Better session identification
JDK-8269624 Enhance method selection support
JDK-8269636 Change outputStream's print_raw() and print_raw_cr() second parameter to size_t type
JDK-8269637 javax/swing/JFileChooser/FileSystemView/ fails on windows
JDK-8269638 Property methods, setters, and getters in printing API should be final
JDK-8269639 [macos] Calling stage.setY(0) twice causes wrong popups location
JDK-8269652 Factor out the common code for creating system j.l.Thread objects
JDK-8269656 The test test/langtools/tools/javac/versions/ has duplicate test cycles
JDK-8269665 Clean-up toString() methods of some primitive wrappers
JDK-8269672 C1: Remove unaligned move on all architectures
JDK-8269678 Remove unimplemented and unused os::bind_to_processor()
JDK-8269685 Optimize HeapHprofBinWriter implementation
JDK-8269687 pauth_aarch64.hpp include name is incorrect
JDK-8269689 Update --release 17 symbol information for JDK 17 build 31
JDK-8269692 should throw IAE
JDK-8269697 JNI_GetPrimitiveArrayCritical() should not accept object array
JDK-8269698 Specification for methods of should mention that they do nothing
JDK-8269700 source level for IntelliJ JDK project is set incorrectly
JDK-8269725 AArch64: Add VectorMask query implementation for NEON
JDK-8269743 test/hotspot/jtreg/vmTestbase/vm/mlvm/meth/stress/jni/nativeAndMH/ crash with small heap (-Xmx50m)
JDK-8269753 Misplaced caret in PatternSyntaxException's detail message
JDK-8269758 doesn't work when there are multiple configurations available.
JDK-8269760 should not invoke cygpath directly
JDK-8269761 missing .exe suffix when invoking javac on WSL
JDK-8269763 The JEditorPane is blank after JDK-8265167
JDK-8269770 nsk tests should start IOPipe channel before launch debuggee - Debugee.prepareDebugee
JDK-8269774 doclint reports missing javadoc comments for JavaFX properties if the docs are on the property method
JDK-8269803 G1: remove unnecessary NoRefDiscovery
JDK-8269821 Remove is-queue-active check in inner loop of write_ref_array_pre_work
JDK-8269827 JMH tests for AES/GCM byte[] and bytebuffers
JDK-8269849 vmTestbase/gc/gctests/PhantomReference/phantom002/ failed with "OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space: failed reallocation of scalar replaced objects"
JDK-8269850 Most JDK releases report macOS version 12 as 10.16 instead of 12.0
JDK-8269851 OperatingSystemMXBean getProcessCpuLoad reports incorrect process cpu usage in containers
JDK-8269853 Prefetch::read should accept pointer to const
JDK-8269871 CellEditEvent: must not throw NPE in accessors
JDK-8269878 Handle redundant reg-2-reg moves in X86 backend
JDK-8269882 stack-use-after-scope in NewObjectA
JDK-8269886 Inaccurate error message for compressed hprof test
JDK-8269897 Shenandoah: Resolve UNKNOWN access strength, where possible
JDK-8269908 Move MemoryService::track_memory_usage call into G1MonitoringScope
JDK-8269909 getStack method in hprof.parser.Reader should use try-with-resource
JDK-8269914 Factor out heap printing for G1 young and full gc
JDK-8269917 Insert missing commas in copyrights in
JDK-8269923 runtime/jni/checked/ failed with "FATAL ERROR in native method: Primitive type array expected but not received for JNI array operation"
JDK-8269924 Shenandoah: Introduce weak/strong marking asserts
JDK-8269933 test/jdk/javax/net/ssl/compatibility/JdkInfo incorrect verification of protocol and cipher support
JDK-8269934 failed with EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION in java_lang_Thread::get_thread_status
JDK-8269935 ProblemList runtime/jni/checked/ on windows
JDK-8269944 Better HTTP transport redux
JDK-8269951 [macos] Focus not painted in JButton when setBorderPainted(false) is invoked
JDK-8269962 SA has unused Hashtable, Dictionary classes
JDK-8269967 JavaFX should fail fast on macOS below minimum version
JDK-8269968 [REDO] Bump minimum version of macOS for x64 to 10.12
JDK-8269986 Remove +3 from Symbol::identity_hash()
JDK-8269993 [Test]: java/net/httpclient/ contains redundant @run tags
JDK-8270009 Factor out and shuffle methods in G1CollectedHeap::do_collection_pause_at_safepoint_helper
JDK-8270014 Add scoped objects for g1 young gc verification and young gc internal timing
JDK-8270018 Add scoped object for g1 young gc JFR notification
JDK-8270021 Incorrect log decorators in gc/g1/plab/
JDK-8270027 ProblemList jdk/jfr/event/oldobject/ on macOS-x64
JDK-8270041 Consolidate oopDesc::cas_forward_to() and oopDesc::forward_to_atomic()
JDK-8270056 Generated lambda class can not access protected static method of target class
JDK-8270058 Use Objects.check for java.desktop
JDK-8270059 Remove KVHashtable
JDK-8270060 (jdeprscan) tools/jdeprscan/tests/jdk/jdeprscan/ failed with class file for jdk.internal.util.random.RandomSupport not found
JDK-8270061 Change parameter order of ResourceHashtable
JDK-8270064 Problem list tools/jdeprscan/tests/jdk/jdeprscan/ due to JDK-8270060
JDK-8270082 Remove unnecessary gc_timer null check in ReferenceProcessorPhaseTimes
JDK-8270083 -Wnonnull errors happen with GCC 11.1.1
JDK-8270086 ARM32-softfp: Do not load CONSTANT_double using the condy helper methods in the interpreter
JDK-8270094 Shenandoah: Provide human-readable labels for test configurations
JDK-8270096 Shenandoah: Optimize gc/shenandoah/ for interpreter mode
JDK-8270098 ZGC: ZBarrierSetC2::clone_at_expansion fails with "Guard against surprises" assert
JDK-8270100 Fix some inaccurate GC logging
JDK-8270105 Fix ServerKeyExchange copyright
JDK-8270107 Open source FXMediaPlayer test app
JDK-8270108 Update JCov version to 3.0.9
JDK-8270110 Shenandoah: Add test for JDK-8269661
JDK-8270116 Expand to run in all LaFs, including Aqua on macOS
JDK-8270117 Broken jtreg link in "Building the JDK" page
JDK-8270137 Kerberos Credential Retrieval from Cache not Working in Cross-Realm Setup
JDK-8270139 jshell InternalError crash for import of @Repeatable followed by unresolved ref
JDK-8270147 Increase stride size allowing unrolling more loops
JDK-8270155 ARM32: Improve register dump in hs_err
JDK-8270156 Add "randomness" and "stress" keys to JTreg tests which use StressGCM, StressLCM and/or StressIGVN
JDK-8270160 Remove redundant bounds check from AbstractStringBuilder.charAt()
JDK-8270169 G1: Incorrect reference discovery MT degree in concurrent marking
JDK-8270171 Shenandoah: Cleanup TestStringDedup and TestStringDedupStress tests
JDK-8270179 Rename Amalloc_4
JDK-8270184 [TESTBUG] Add coverage for jvmci ResolvedJavaType.toJavaName() for lambdas
JDK-8270187 G1: Remove ConcGCThreads constraint
JDK-8270195 Add missing links between methods of JavaFX properties
JDK-8270212 ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException in
JDK-8270217 Fix Arena::Amalloc to check for overflow better
JDK-8270246 Deprecate for removal implementation methods in Scene
JDK-8270280 security/infra/java/security/cert/CertPathValidator/certification/ OCSP response error
JDK-8270282 Semantically rename reference processing subphases
JDK-8270286 remove use of deprecated API
JDK-8270290 NTLM authentication fails if HEAD request is used
JDK-8270308 Arena::Amalloc may return misaligned address on 32-bit
JDK-8270312 Error: Not a test or directory containing tests: java/awt/print/PrinterJob/
JDK-8270314 TreeTableCell: inconsistent naming for tableRow and tableColumn property methods
JDK-8270317 Large Allocation in CipherSuite
JDK-8270320 JDK-8270110 committed invalid copyright headers
JDK-8270321 Startup regressions in 18-b5 caused by JDK-8266310
JDK-8270333 -XX:+VerifyStringTableAtExit should not do linear search
JDK-8270336 [TESTBUG] Fix initialization in NonbranchyTree
JDK-8270340 Base64 decodeBlock intrinsic for Power64 needs cleanup
JDK-8270341 Test serviceability/dcmd/gc/ timed-out
JDK-8270344 Session resumption errors
JDK-8270347 ZGC: Adopt release-acquire ordering for forwarding table access
JDK-8270366 C2: Add associative rule to add/sub node
JDK-8270380 Change the default value of the system property to disallow
JDK-8270386 Better verification of scan methods
JDK-8270392 Improve String constructions
JDK-8270398 Enhance canonicalization
JDK-8270404 Better canonicalization
JDK-8270416 Enhance construction of Identity maps
JDK-8270434 JDI+UT: Unexpected event in JDI tests
JDK-8270435 UT: MonitorUsedDeflationThresholdTest failed: did not find too_many string in output
JDK-8270438 "Cores to use" output in configure is misleading
JDK-8270447 [IR Framework] Add missing compilation level restriction when using FlipC1C2 stress option
JDK-8270453 [JVMCI] remove duplicates in vmStructs_jvmci.cpp
JDK-8270454 G1: Simplify region index comparison
JDK-8270455 Remove unused JFR tracer related code in G1CollectedHeap
JDK-8270459 Conflict inlining decisions by C1/C2 with the same CompileCommand
JDK-8270468 TestRangeCheckEliminated fails because methods are not compiled
JDK-8270475 Remove unused G1STWDrainQueueClosure
JDK-8270479 WebKit 612.1 build fails with Visual Studio 2017
JDK-8270489 Support archived heap objects in EpsilonGC
JDK-8270490 Charset.forName() taking fallback default value
JDK-8270492 Better resolution of URIs
JDK-8270498 Improve SAX Parser configuration management
JDK-8270517 Add Zero support for LoongArch
JDK-8270519 Move several vector helper methods to shared header file
JDK-8270533 AArch64: size_fits_all_mem_uses should return false if its output is a CAS
JDK-8270540 G1: Refactor range checking in G1BlockOffsetTablePart::block_start* to asserts
JDK-8270547 java.util.Random contains unnecessary @SuppressWarnings("exports")
JDK-8270553 Tests should not use (real, in-use, routable) as dummy IP value
JDK-8270609 [TESTBUG] java/awt/print/Dialog/ does not show instruction
JDK-8270646 Improved scanning of XML entities
JDK-8270794 Avoid loading Klass* twice in TypeArrayKlass::oop_size()
JDK-8270797 test is not complete
JDK-8270801 Print VM arguments with java -Xlog:arguments
JDK-8270803 Reduce CDS API verbosity
JDK-8270814 ProblemList the failing serviceability/jvmti/HeapMonitor/MyPackage/HeapMonitor* tests
JDK-8270820 remove unused stiFileTableIndex from SDE.c
JDK-8270832 Aarch64: Update algorithm annotations for MacroAssembler::fill_words
JDK-8270835 regression after JDK-8261006
JDK-8270837 fix typos in test
JDK-8270838 Remove deprecated protected access members from DateTimeStringConverter
JDK-8270839 Remove deprecated implementation methods from Scene
JDK-8270842 G1: Only young regions need to redirty outside references in remset.
JDK-8270848 Redundant unsafe opmask register allocation in some instruction patterns.
JDK-8270859 Post JEP 411 refactoring: client libs with maximum covering > 10K
JDK-8270862 Fix problem list entries for 32-bit
JDK-8270869 G1ServiceThread may not terminate
JDK-8270870 Simplify G1ServiceThread
JDK-8270873 JFR: Catch DirectoryIteratorException when scanning for .jfr files
JDK-8270874 JFrame paint artifacts when dragged from standard monitor to HiDPI monitor
JDK-8270875 Deprecate the FilterSpuriousWakeups flag so it can be removed
JDK-8270886 Crash in PhaseIdealLoop::verify_strip_mined_scheduling
JDK-8270893 IndexOutOfBoundsException while reading large TIFF file
JDK-8270894 Use acquire semantics in ObjectSynchronizer::read_stable_mark()
JDK-8270901 Typo PHASE_CPP in CompilerPhaseType
JDK-8270903 Improve toString
JDK-8270912 Clean up G1CollectedHeap::process_discovered_references()
JDK-8270925 replay dump using CICrashAt does not include inlining data
JDK-8270939 ProblemList java/lang/invoke/ until JDK-8251969 is fixed
JDK-8270946 X509CertImpl.getFingerprint should not return the empty String
JDK-8270947 AArch64: C1: use zero_words to initialize all objects
JDK-8270949 Make dynamically generated classes with the class file version of the current release
JDK-8270952 Improve TIFF file handling
JDK-8270959 Update boot JDK to 16.0.2
JDK-8270960 Update copyright header for files modified in 2021
JDK-8270961 [TESTBUG] Move GotWrongOOMEException into vm.share.gc package
JDK-8270991 G1 Full GC always performs heap verification after JDK-8269295
JDK-8271003 hs_err improvement: handle CLASSPATH env setting longer than O_BUFLEN
JDK-8271014 Refactor HeapShared::is_archived_object()
JDK-8271015 Split cds/ test into smaller parts
JDK-8271043 Rename G1CollectedHeap::g1mm()
JDK-8271056 C2: "assert(no_dead_loop) failed: dead loop detected" due to cmoving identity
JDK-8271060 Merge G1CollectedHeap::determine_start_concurrent_mark_gc and G1Policy::decide_on_conc_mark_initiation
JDK-8271063 Print injected fields for InstanceKlass
JDK-8271071 accessibility of a table on macOS lacks cell navigation
JDK-8271073 Improve testing with VM option VerifyArchivedFields
JDK-8271085 TabPane: Redundant API docs
JDK-8271086 Block comments of form '/***' are treated as javadoc comments
JDK-8271090 Missing API docs in scenegraph classes
JDK-8271091 Missing API docs in UI controls classes
JDK-8271118 C2: StressGCM should have higher priority than frequency-based policy
JDK-8271121 ZGC: stack overflow (segv) when -Xlog:gc+start=debug
JDK-8271126 ProblemList runtime/InvocationTests/
JDK-8271128 InlineIntrinsics support for 32-bit ARM
JDK-8271140 Fix native frame handling in vframeStream::asJavaVFrame()
JDK-8271142 package help is not displayed for missing X11/extensions/Xrandr.h
JDK-8271147 java/nio/file/ javadoc typo
JDK-8271149 remove unreferenced functions from EncodingSupport_md.c
JDK-8271159 [REDO] JDK-8249634 doclint should report implicit constructor as missing javadoc comments
JDK-8271161 [BACKOUT] JDK-8249634 doclint should report implicit constructor as missing javadoc comments
JDK-8271163 G1 uses wrong degree of MT processing since JDK-8270169
JDK-8271165 ProblemList serviceability/dcmd/gc/ on X64
JDK-8271166 ProblemList applications/jcstress/ on Linux-X64
JDK-8271170 Add unit test for what jpackage app launcher puts in the environment
JDK-8271186 Add UL option to replace newline char
JDK-8271199 Mutual TLS handshake fails signing client certificate with custom sensitive PKCS11 key
JDK-8271202 C1: assert(false) failed: live_in set of first block must be empty
JDK-8271203 C2: assert(iff->Opcode() == Op_If || iff->Opcode() == Op_CountedLoopEnd || iff->Opcode() == Op_RangeCheck) failed: Check this code when new subtype is added
JDK-8271208 Typo in javadoc
JDK-8271209 Fix doc comment typos in JavadocTokenizer
JDK-8271215 Fix data races in G1PeriodicGCTask
JDK-8271217 Fix race between G1PeriodicGCTask checks and GC request
JDK-8271219 [REDO] JDK-8271063 Print injected fields for InstanceKlass
JDK-8271221 [BACKOUT] JDK-8271063 Print injected fields for InstanceKlass
JDK-8271224 runtime/EnclosingMethodAttr/ doesn't check exit code
JDK-8271225 Add floorDivExact() method to java.lang.[Strict]Math
JDK-8271227 Missing `` in com.sun.source.*
JDK-8271230 Remove obsolete test classes and data files from 3DViewer sample
JDK-8271242 Add Arena regression tests
JDK-8271254 javac generates unreachable code when using empty semicolon statement
JDK-8271258 @param with non-ascii variable names produces incorrect results
JDK-8271276 C2: Wrong JVM state used for receiver null check
JDK-8271287 jdk/jshell/ fails with "lists don't have the same size expected"
JDK-8271293 Monitor class should use ThreadBlockInVMPreprocess
JDK-8271302 Regex Test Refresh
JDK-8271303 jcmd VM.cds _dump should print more info
JDK-8271308 (fc) FileChannel.transferTo() transfers no more than Integer.MAX_VALUE bytes in one call
JDK-8271315 Redo: Nimbus JTree renderer properties persist across L&F changes
JDK-8271323 [TESTBUG] serviceability/sa/ fails with -XX:TieredStopAtLevel=1
JDK-8271340 Crash PhaseIdealLoop::clone_outer_loop
JDK-8271341 Opcode() != Op_If && Opcode() != Op_RangeCheck) || outcnt() == 2 assert failure with
JDK-8271344 Windows product version issue
JDK-8271348 Add stronger sanity check of thread state when polling for safepoint/handshakes
JDK-8271353 PerfDataManager::destroy crashes in VM_Exit
JDK-8271356 Modify jdb to treat an empty command as a repeat of the previous command
JDK-8271366 [REDO] JDK-8266054 VectorAPI rotate operation optimization
JDK-8271368 [BACKOUT] JDK-8266054 VectorAPI rotate operation optimization
JDK-8271396 Spelling errors
JDK-8271398 GTK3 drag view image swaps red and blue color channels
JDK-8271419 Refactor test code for modifying CDS archive contents
JDK-8271420 Extend CDS custom loader support to Windows platform
JDK-8271447 java.nio.file.InvalidPathException: Malformed input or input contains unmappable characters
JDK-8271456 Avoid looking up standard charsets in "java.desktop" module
JDK-8271459 C2: Missing NegativeArraySizeException when creating StringBuilder with negative capacity
JDK-8271461 CompileCommand support for hidden class methods
JDK-8271471 [IR Framework] Rare occurrence of "" in PrintIdeal/PrintOptoAssembly can let tests fail
JDK-8271474 Tree-/TableCell: inconsistent edit event firing pattern
JDK-8271484 Tree-/TableCell: NPE when accessing edit event from startEdit
JDK-8271485 Javadoc "Method Summary" table is misaligned if overridden JDK method has tag
JDK-8271490 [ppc] [s390]: Crash in JavaThread::pd_get_top_frame_for_profiling
JDK-8271506 Add ResourceHashtable support for deleting selected entries
JDK-8271513 support JavaThreadIteratorWithHandle replacement by new ThreadsList::Iterator
JDK-8271514 support JFR use of new ThreadsList::Iterator
JDK-8271515 Integration of JEP 417: Vector API (Third Incubator)
JDK-8271560 sun/security/ssl/DHKeyExchange/ still fails due to "An established connection was aborted by the software in your host machine"
JDK-8271566 DSA signature length value is not accurate in P11Signature
JDK-8271567 AArch64: AES Galois CounterMode (GCM) interleaved implementation using vector instructions
JDK-8271569 Clean up the use of CDS constants and field offsets
JDK-8271579 G1: Move copy before CAS in do_copy_to_survivor_space
JDK-8271589 fatal error with variable shift count integer rotate operation.
JDK-8271599 Javadoc of floorDiv() and floorMod() families is inaccurate in some places
JDK-8271600 C2: CheckCastPP which should closely follow Allocate is sunk of a loop
JDK-8271601 Math.floorMod(int, int) and Math.floorMod(long, long) differ in their logic
JDK-8271602 Add Math.ceilDiv() family parallel to Math.floorDiv() family
JDK-8271603 Unnecessary Vector usage in java.desktop
JDK-8271605 Update JMH devkit to 1.32
JDK-8271609 Misleading message for AbortVMOnVMOperationTimeoutDelay
JDK-8271611 Use SecurityConstants.ACCESS_PERMISSION in MethodHandles
JDK-8271616 oddPart in MutableBigInteger::mutableModInverse contains info on final result
JDK-8271623 Omit enclosing instance fields from inner classes that don't use it
JDK-8271624 Avoid unnecessary ThreadGroup.checkAccess calls when creating Threads
JDK-8271627 Use local field access in favor of Class.getClassLoader0
JDK-8271711 Remove WorkArounds.isSynthetic
JDK-8271718 Crash when during color transformation the color profile is replaced
JDK-8271721 Split gc/g1/TestMixedGCLiveThreshold into separate tests
JDK-8271722 [TESTBUG] gc/g1/ can fail if G1 Full GC uses >1 workers
JDK-8271723 Unproblemlist runtime/InvocationTests/
JDK-8271726 JFR: should use equal() to check event fields in tests
JDK-8271732 Regression in StringBuilder.charAt bounds checking
JDK-8271737 Only normalize the cached user.dir property once
JDK-8271743 mark hotspot runtime/jni tests which ignore external VM flags
JDK-8271744 mark hotspot runtime/getSysPackage tests which ignore external VM flags
JDK-8271745 Correct block size for KW,KWP mode and use fixed IV for KWP mode for SunJCE
JDK-8271820 Implementation of JEP 416: Reimplement Core Reflection with Method Handle
JDK-8271821 mark hotspot runtime/MinimalVM tests which ignore external VM flags
JDK-8271824 mark hotspot runtime/CompressedOops tests which ignore external VM flags
JDK-8271825 mark hotspot runtime/LoadClass tests which ignore external VM flags
JDK-8271826 mark hotspot runtime/condy tests which ignore external VM flags
JDK-8271828 mark hotspot runtime/classFileParserBug tests which ignore external VM flags
JDK-8271829 mark hotspot runtime/Throwable tests which ignore external VM flags
JDK-8271834 TestStringDeduplicationAgeThreshold intermittent failures on Shenandoah
JDK-8271836 runtime/ErrorHandling/ fails with release VMs
JDK-8271840 Add simple Integer.toString microbenchmarks
JDK-8271855 [TESTBUG] Wrong weakCompareAndSet assumption in UnsafeIntrinsicsTest
JDK-8271862 C2 intrinsic for Reference.refersTo() is often not used
JDK-8271863 ProblemList serviceability/sa/ on linux-x64 with ZGC
JDK-8271868 Warn user when using mac-sign option with unsigned app-image.
JDK-8271869 AArch64: build errors with GCC11 in frame::saved_oop_result
JDK-8271878 UnProblemList jdk/jfr/event/gc/detailed/ in JDK18
JDK-8271880 Tighten condition for excluding regions from collecting cards with cross-references
JDK-8271883 Math CopySign optimization for x86
JDK-8271884 G1CH::_expand_heap_after_alloc_failure is no longer needed
JDK-8271886 mark hotspot runtime/InvocationTests tests which ignore external VM flags
JDK-8271887 mark hotspot runtime/CDSCompressedKPtrs tests which ignore external VM flags
JDK-8271888 build error after JDK-8271599
JDK-8271890 mark hotspot runtime/Dictionary tests which ignore external VM flags
JDK-8271891 mark hotspot runtime/Safepoint tests which ignore external VM flags
JDK-8271892 mark hotspot runtime/PrintStringTableStats/ test as ignoring external VM flags
JDK-8271893 mark hotspot runtime/PerfMemDestroy/ test as ignoring external VM flags
JDK-8271895 UnProblemList javax/swing/JComponent/7154030/ in JDK18
JDK-8271896 Remove unnecessary top address checks in BOT
JDK-8271898 disable os.release_multi_mappings_vm on macOS-X64
JDK-8271904 mark hotspot runtime/ClassFile tests which ignore external VM flags
JDK-8271905 mark hotspot runtime/Metaspace tests which ignore external VM flags
JDK-8271911 replay compilations of methods which use JSR292 (easy cases)
JDK-8271923 [macos] the text color on the selected disabled tabbed pane button remains white making text unreadable
JDK-8271925 ZGC: Arraycopy stub passes invalid oop to load barrier
JDK-8271928 ErroneousTree with start position -1
JDK-8271930 Simplify end_card calculation in G1BlockOffsetTablePart::verify
JDK-8271931 Make AbortVMOnVMOperationTimeout more resilient to OS scheduling
JDK-8271939 Clean up primitive raw accessors in oopDesc
JDK-8271946 Cleanup leftovers in Space and subclasses
JDK-8271949 dumppath in -XX:FlightRecorderOptions does not affect
JDK-8271951 Consolidate preserved marks overflow stack in SerialGC
JDK-8271953 fix mis-merge in JDK-8271878
JDK-8271954 C2: assert(false) failed: Bad graph detected in build_loop_late
JDK-8271956 AArch64: C1 build failed after JDK-8270947
JDK-8271962 Better TrueType font loading
JDK-8271968 Better canonical naming
JDK-8271987 Manifest improved manifest entries
JDK-8272014 Better array indexing
JDK-8272026 Verify Jar Verification
JDK-8272042 java.util.ImmutableCollections$Map1 and MapN should not be @ValueBased
JDK-8272047 java/nio/channels/FileChannel/ failed with Unexpected transfer size: 2147418112
JDK-8272050 typo in MachSpillCopyNode::implementation after JDK-8131362
JDK-8272058 25 Null pointer dereference defect groups in 4 files
JDK-8272064 test/jdk/jdk/jfr/api/consumer/ needs update for JEP 416
JDK-8272065 jcmd cannot rely on the old core reflection implementation which will be changed after JEP 416
JDK-8272067 Initial nroff manpage generation for JDK 18
JDK-8272070 G1: Simplify age calculation after JDK-8271579
JDK-8272093 Extract evacuation failure injection from G1CollectedHeap
JDK-8272095 ProblemList java/nio/channels/FileChannel/ on linux-aarch64
JDK-8272099 mark hotspot runtime/Monitor tests which ignore external VM flags
JDK-8272107 Removal of Unsafe::defineAnonymousClass left a dangling C++ class
JDK-8272112 Arena code simplifications
JDK-8272113 Build compare script fails with differences in classlist
JDK-8272114 Unused _last_state in osThread_windows
JDK-8272116 Update PerfDisableSharedMem with FLAG_SET_ERGO in PerfMemory::create_memory_region
JDK-8272118 ListViewSkin et al: must not cancel edit on scrolling
JDK-8272120 Avoid looking for standard encodings in "java." modules
JDK-8272123 Problem list 4 jtreg tests which regularly fail on macos-aarch64
JDK-8272124 Cgroup v1 initialization causes NullPointerException when cgroup path contains colon
JDK-8272131 PhaseMacroExpand::generate_slow_arraycopy crash when clone null CallProjections.fallthrough_ioproj
JDK-8272135 jshell: Method cannot use its overloaded version
JDK-8272138 ZGC: Adopt relaxed ordering for self-healing
JDK-8272146 Disable Fibonacci test on memory constrained systems
JDK-8272148 JDesktopPane:getComponentCount() returns one extra than expected with GTKLookAndFeel
JDK-8272158 SoftReference related bugs under memory pressure
JDK-8272161 Make evacuation failure data structures local to collection
JDK-8272162 S4U2Self ticket without forwardable flag
JDK-8272163 Add -version option to keytool and jarsigner
JDK-8272164 DumpAllocStats shouldn't subclass from ResourceObj
JDK-8272165 Consolidate mark_must_be_preserved() variants
JDK-8272167 should skip *.dSYM directories
JDK-8272168 some hotspot runtime/logging tests don't check exit code
JDK-8272169 runtime/logging/ doesn't build test.Empty
JDK-8272170 Missing memory barrier when checking active state for regions
JDK-8272196 Remove unused class ParStrongRootsScope
JDK-8272216 G1: replace G1ParScanThreadState::_dest with a constant
JDK-8272228 G1: G1CardSetInlinePtr Fix tautological assertion
JDK-8272229 BasicSplitPaneDivider:oneTouchExpandableChanged() returns leftButton and rightButton as null with GTKLookAndFeel
JDK-8272231 G1: Refactor G1CardSet::get_card_set to return G1CardSetHashTableValue*
JDK-8272232 javax/swing/JTable/4275046/ failed with "Expected value in the cell: 'rededited' but found 'redEDITED'."
JDK-8272234 Pass originating elements from Filer to JavaFileManager
JDK-8272235 G1: update outdated code root fixup
JDK-8272236 Improve serial forms for transport
JDK-8272272 Enhance jcmd communication
JDK-8272291 mark hotspot runtime/logging tests which ignore external VM flags
JDK-8272297 FileInputStream should override transferTo() for better performance
JDK-8272305 several hotspot runtime/modules don't check exit codes
JDK-8272310 AArch64: Add missing changes for shared vector helper methods in m4 files
JDK-8272315 Improve assert_different_registers
JDK-8272318 Improve performance of HeapDumpAllTest
JDK-8272326 java/util/Random/ had two Gaussian fails
JDK-8272327 Shenandoah: Avoid enqueuing duplicate string candidates
JDK-8272328 java.library.path is not set properly by Windows jpackage app launcher
JDK-8272329 Cherry pick GTK WebKit 2.32.3 changes
JDK-8272330 C2: Cleanup profile counter scaling
JDK-8272332 --with-harfbuzz=system doesn't add -lharfbuzz after JDK-8255790
JDK-8272334 Improve API doc of getRequestHeaders
JDK-8272335 runtime/cds/appcds/ doesn't check exit codes
JDK-8272342 [TEST_BUG] java/awt/print/PrinterJob/ catches all exceptions
JDK-8272343 Remove MetaspaceClosure::FLAG_MASK
JDK-8272345 macos doesn't check `os::set_boot_path()` result
JDK-8272347 ObjectMethods::bootstrap should specify NPE if any argument except lookup is null
JDK-8272348 Update CDS tests in anticipation of JDK-8270489
JDK-8272358 Some tests may fail when executed with other locales than the US
JDK-8272369 java/io/File/ failed with "RuntimeException: java.nio.file.NoSuchFileException: /run/user/0"
JDK-8272374 doclint should report missing "body" comments
JDK-8272375 Improve phrasing of synthesized descriptions in JavaFX docs
JDK-8272377 assert preconditions that are ensured when created in add_final_edges
JDK-8272385 Enforce ECPrivateKey d value to be in the range [1, n-1] for SunEC provider
JDK-8272391 Undeleted debug information
JDK-8272392 Lanai: SwingSet2. Black background on expanding tree node
JDK-8272395 Bad HTML in JVMTI man page
JDK-8272396 mismatching debug output streams
JDK-8272398 Update DockerTestUtils.buildJdkDockerImage()
JDK-8272413 Incorrect num of element count calculation for vector cast
JDK-8272417 ZGC: fastdebug build crashes when printing ClassLoaderData
JDK-8272439 G1: add documentation to G1CardSetInlinePtr
JDK-8272446 C1: Raw version of UnsafeGet generates load barriers
JDK-8272447 Remove 'native' ranked Mutex
JDK-8272459 ProblemList compiler/codecache/ on aarch64
JDK-8272461 G1: remove empty declaration of cleanup_after_scan_heap_roots
JDK-8272462 Enhance image handling
JDK-8272472 StackGuardPages test doesn't build with glibc 2.34
JDK-8272473 Parsing epoch seconds at a DST transition with a non-UTC parser is wrong
JDK-8272480 Remove Mutex::access rank
JDK-8272481 [macos] javax/swing/JFrame/NSTexturedJFrame/ fails
JDK-8272491 Problem list javax/swing/JFrame/NSTexturedJFrame/ on macos
JDK-8272515 JFR: Names should only be valid Java identifiers
JDK-8272520 Inline GenericTaskQueue::initialize() to the constructor
JDK-8272521 Remove unused PSPromotionManager::_claimed_stack_breadth
JDK-8272526 Cleanup ThreadStateTransition class
JDK-8272541 Incorrect overflow test in Toom-Cook branch of BigInteger multiplication
JDK-8272546 Better TrueType font loading
JDK-8272551 mark hotspot runtime/modules tests which ignore external VM flags
JDK-8272552 mark hotspot runtime/cds tests which ignore external VM flags
JDK-8272553 several hotspot runtime/CommandLine tests don't check exit code
JDK-8272558 IR Test Framework README misses some flags
JDK-8272562 C2: assert(false) failed: Bad graph detected in build_loop_late
JDK-8272563 assert(is_double_stack() && !is_virtual()) failed: type check
JDK-8272564 Incorrect attribution of method invocations of Object methods on interfaces
JDK-8272567 [IR Framework] Make AbstractInfo.getRandom() static
JDK-8272570 C2: crash in PhaseCFG::global_code_motion
JDK-8272573 Redundant unique_concrete_method_4 dependencies
JDK-8272574 C2: assert(false) failed: Bad graph detected in build_loop_late
JDK-8272576 G1: Use more accurate integer type for collection set length
JDK-8272579 G1: remove unnecesary null check for G1ParScanThreadStateSet::_states slots
JDK-8272581 sun/security/pkcs11/Provider/ fails after JDK-8266182
JDK-8272586 emit abstract machine code in hs-err logs
JDK-8272600 (test) Use native "sleep" in
JDK-8272602 [macos] not all KEY_PRESSED events sent when control modifier is used
JDK-8272608 java_lang_System::allow_security_manager() doesn't set its initialization flag
JDK-8272609 Add string deduplication support to SerialGC
JDK-8272614 Unused parameters in MethodHandleNatives linking methods
JDK-8272616 Strange code in java.text.DecimalFormat#applyPattern
JDK-8272618 Unnecessary Attr.visitIdent.noOuterThisPath
JDK-8272626 Avoid C-style array declarations in java.*
JDK-8272638 Update copyright header for files modified in 2021
JDK-8272639 jpackaged applications using microphone on mac
JDK-8272651 G1 heap region info print order changed by JDK-8269914
JDK-8272654 Mark word accesses should not use Access API
JDK-8272667 substandard error messages from the docs build
JDK-8272674 Logging missing keytab file in Krb5LoginModule
JDK-8272698 LoadNode::pin is unused
JDK-8272700 [macos] Build failure with Xcode 13.0 after JDK-8264848
JDK-8272703 StressSeed should be set via FLAG_SET_ERGO
JDK-8272708 [Test]: Cleanup: test/jdk/security/infra/java/security/cert/CertPathValidator/certification/ no longer needs ocspEnabled
JDK-8272720 Fix the implementation of loop unrolling heuristic with LoopPercentProfileLimit
JDK-8272723 Don't use Access API to access primitive fields
JDK-8272725 G1: add documentation on needs_remset_update_t vs bool
JDK-8272728 javac ignores any -J option in @argfiles silently
JDK-8272736 [JVMCI] Add API for reading and writing JVMCI thread locals
JDK-8272739 Misformatted error message in EventHandlerCreator
JDK-8272756 Remove unnecessary explicit initialization of volatile variables in java.desktop
JDK-8272759 (fc) java/nio/channels/FileChannel/ failed in timeout
JDK-8272771 frame::pd_ps() is not implemented on any platform
JDK-8272773 Configurable card table card size
JDK-8272776 NullPointerException not reported
JDK-8272778 Consolidate is_instance and is_instance_inlined in java_lang_String
JDK-8272779 Package docs for javafx.embed.swing are misleading
JDK-8272783 Epsilon: Refactor tests to improve performance
JDK-8272788 Nonleaf ranked locks should not be safepoint_check_never
JDK-8272797 Mutex with rank safepoint_check_never imply allow_vm_block
JDK-8272805 Avoid looking up standard charsets
JDK-8272806 [macOS] "Apple AWT Internal Exception" when input method is changed
JDK-8272808 Update constant collections to use the new immutable collections - leftovers
JDK-8272809 JFR thread sampler SI_KERNEL SEGV in metaspace::VirtualSpaceList::contains
JDK-8272811 Document the effects of building with _GNU_SOURCE in os_posix.hpp
JDK-8272815 jpackage --type rpm produces an error: Invalid or unsupported type: [null]
JDK-8272836 Limit run time for java/lang/invoke/LFCaching tests
JDK-8272838 Move CriticalJNI tests out of tier1
JDK-8272846 Move some runtime/Metaspace/elastic/ tests out of tier1
JDK-8272850 Drop zapping values in the Zap* option descriptions
JDK-8272854 split runtime/CommandLine/ test
JDK-8272856 DoubleFlagWithIntegerValue uses G1GC-only flag
JDK-8272859 Javadoc external links should only have feature version number in URL
JDK-8272861 Add a micro benchmark for vector api
JDK-8272863 Replace usages of Collections.sort with List.sort call in public java modules
JDK-8272866 java.util.random package summary contains incorrect mixing function in table
JDK-8272867 JFR: ManagementSupport.removeBefore() lost coverage
JDK-8272870 Add convenience factory methods for border and background
JDK-8272873 C2: Inlining should not depend on absolute call site counts
JDK-8272878 JEP 381 cleanup: Remove unused Solaris code in sun.font.TrueTypeGlyphMapper
JDK-8272884 Make VoidClosure::do_void pure virtual
JDK-8272903 Missing license header in
JDK-8272905 Consolidate discovered lists processing
JDK-8272908 Missing coverage for certain classes in
JDK-8272914 Create hotspot:tier2 and hotspot:tier3 test groups
JDK-8272915 (doc) package-info typo in extLink
JDK-8272916 Copyright year was modified unintentionally in and
JDK-8272944 Use snippets in jdk.javadoc documentation
JDK-8272945 Use snippets in java.compiler documentation
JDK-8272963 Update the java manpage markdown source
JDK-8272964 java/nio/file/Files/ fails with java.lang.RuntimeException: Copy was not interrupted
JDK-8272968 AArch64: Remove redundant matching rules for commutative ops
JDK-8272970 Parallelize runtime/InvocationTests/
JDK-8272973 Incorrect compile command used by TestIllegalArrayCopyBeforeInfiniteLoop
JDK-8272975 ParallelGC: add documentation to heap memory layout
JDK-8272983 G1 Add marking details to eager reclaim logging
JDK-8272985 Reference discovery is confused about atomicity and degree of parallelism
JDK-8272992 Replace usages of Collections.sort with List.sort call in jdk.* modules
JDK-8273000 Remove WeakReference-based class initialisation barrier implementation
JDK-8273020 LibraryCallKit::sharpen_unsafe_type does not handle narrow oop array
JDK-8273021 C2: Improve Add and Xor ideal optimizations
JDK-8273026 Slow LoginContext.login() on multi threading application
JDK-8273033 SerialGC: remove obsolete comments
JDK-8273034 Make javadoc navigation collapsible on small displays
JDK-8273038 ChannelInputStream.transferTo() uses FileChannel.transferTo(FileChannel)
JDK-8273039 JShell crashes when naming variable or method "abstract" or "strictfp"
JDK-8273040 Turning off JpAllowDowngrades (or Upgrades)
JDK-8273043 [TEST_BUG] Automate
JDK-8273045 Fix misc javadoc bugs in the and code
JDK-8273047 test jfr/api/consumer/ timing out
JDK-8273056 java.util.random does not correctly sample exponential or Gaussian distributions
JDK-8273059 Redundant Math.min call in Http2ClientImpl#getConnectionWindowSize
JDK-8273062 Generation::refs_discovery_is_xxx functions are unused
JDK-8273071 SeparatorSkin: must remove child on dispose
JDK-8273072 Avoid using += in configure
JDK-8273089 Deprecate JavaFX GTK 2 library for removal
JDK-8273091 Doc of [Strict]Math.floorDiv(long,int) erroneously documents int in @return tag
JDK-8273092 Sort classlist in JDK image
JDK-8273095 vmTestbase/vm/mlvm/anonloader/stress/oome/heap/ fails with "wrong OOME"
JDK-8273096 Add support for H.265/HEVC to JavaFX Media
JDK-8273098 Unnecessary Vector usage in java.naming
JDK-8273100 Improve AbstractStringBuilder.append(String) when using CompactStrings
JDK-8273102 Delete deprecated for removal the empty finalize() in java.desktop module
JDK-8273104 Refactoring option parser for UL
JDK-8273107 RunThese24H times out with "" is null
JDK-8273108 RunThese24H crashes with SEGV in markWord::displaced_mark_helper() after JDK-8268276
JDK-8273109 runtime/cds/appcds/loaderConstraints/DynamicLoaderConstraintsTest times out
JDK-8273111 Default timezone should return zone ID if /etc/localtime is valid but not canonicalization on linux
JDK-8273112 -Xloggc: should override -verbose:gc
JDK-8273135 java/awt/color/ICC_ColorSpace/ crashes in liblcms.dylib with NULLSeek+0x7
JDK-8273138 BidirectionalBinding fails to observe changes of invalid properties
JDK-8273140 Replace usages of Enum.class.getEnumConstants() with Enum.values() where possible
JDK-8273142 Remove dependancy of TestHttpServer, HttpTransaction, HttpCallback from open/test/jdk/sun/net/www/protocol/http/ tests
JDK-8273144 Remove unused top level "Sample Collection Set Candidates" logging
JDK-8273147 Update and restructure TestGCLogMessages log message list
JDK-8273152 Refactor CDS FileMapHeader loading code
JDK-8273153 Consolidate file_exists into os:file_exists
JDK-8273154 Provide a JavadocTester method for non-overlapping, unordered output matching
JDK-8273157 Add convenience methods to Messager
JDK-8273162 AbstractSplittableWithBrineGenerator does not create a random salt
JDK-8273165 GraphKit::combine_exception_states fails with "matching stack sizes" assert
JDK-8273168 Remove superfluous use of boxing in java.desktop
JDK-8273169 java/util/regex/ failed after JDK-8271302
JDK-8273175 Add @since tags to the DocTree.Kind enum constants
JDK-8273176 handle latest VS2019 in abstract_vm_version
JDK-8273179 Update nroff pages in JDK 18 before RC
JDK-8273185 Rename the term "atomic" in ReferenceProcessor
JDK-8273186 Remove leftover comment about sparse remembered set in G1 HeapRegionRemSet
JDK-8273187 jtools tests fail with missing markerName check
JDK-8273188 java/lang/instrument/BootClassPath/ fails with "FATAL ERROR in native method: processing of -javaagent failed, processJavaStart failed"
JDK-8273194 Document the two possible cases when Lookup::ensureInitialized returns
JDK-8273197 ProblemList 2 jtools tests due to JDK-8273187
JDK-8273198 ProblemList java/lang/instrument/BootClassPath/ due to JDK-8273188
JDK-8273206 jdk/jfr/event/gc/collection/ fails after JDK-8159979
JDK-8273216 JCMD does not work across container boundaries with Podman
JDK-8273217 Make ParHeapInspectTask _safepoint_check_never
JDK-8273218 G1: Rename g1EvacuationInfo to g1EvacInfo
JDK-8273221 Guard GCIdMark against nested calls
JDK-8273229 Update OS detection code to recognize Windows Server 2022
JDK-8273234 extended 'for' with expression of type tvar causes the compiler to crash
JDK-8273235 tools/launcher/ Fails on Windows 32bit
JDK-8273240 Dynamic test should use CDSArchiveUtils
JDK-8273242 (test) Refactor to use TestNG for RuntimeTests ExecCommand tests
JDK-8273243 Fix indentations in methods
JDK-8273244 Improve diagnostic output related to ErroneousTree
JDK-8273246 Amend the test java/nio/channels/DatagramChannel/ to execute in othervm mode
JDK-8273248 ProblemList java/lang/instrument/BootClassPath/ on all configs
JDK-8273250 Address javadoc issues in Deflater::setDictionationary
JDK-8273251 Call check_possible_safepoint() from SafepointMechanism::process_if_requested()
JDK-8273256 runtime/cds/appcds/ fails due to Unrecognized VM option 'ObjectAlignmentInBytes=64' on x86_32
JDK-8273257 jshell doesn't compile a sealed hierarchy with a sealed interface and a non-sealed leaf
JDK-8273259 Character.getName doesn't follow Unicode spec for ideographs
JDK-8273261 Replace 'while' cycles with iterator with enhanced-for in java.base
JDK-8273263 Incorrect recovery attribution of record component type when j.l.Record is unavailable
JDK-8273277 C2: Move conditional negation into rc_predicate
JDK-8273278 Support XSLT on GraalVM Native Image--deterministic bytecode generation in XSLT
JDK-8273290 Enhance sound handling
JDK-8273297 AES/GCM non-AVX512+VAES CPUs suffer after 8267125
JDK-8273299 Unnecessary Vector usage in
JDK-8273300 Check Mutex ranking during a safepoint
JDK-8273308 fails on CI
JDK-8273314 Add tier4 test groups
JDK-8273315 Parallelize and increase timeouts for java/foreign/ test
JDK-8273317 crash in cmovP_cmpP_zero_zeroNode::bottom_type()
JDK-8273318 Some containers/docker/ configs are running out of memory
JDK-8273324 IllegalArgumentException: fromIndex(0) > toIndex(-1) after clear and select TableCell
JDK-8273328 Compiler implementation for Pattern Matching for switch (Second Preview)
JDK-8273329 Remove redundant null check from String.getBytes(String charsetName)
JDK-8273333 Zero should warn about unimplemented -XX:+LogTouchedMethods
JDK-8273335 compiler/blackhole tests should not run with interpreter-only VMs
JDK-8273341 Update Siphash to version 1.0
JDK-8273342 Null pointer dereference in classFileParser.cpp:2817
JDK-8273343 Create release notes for JavaFX 17
JDK-8273351 bad tag in jdk.random
JDK-8273358 macOS Monterey does not have the font Times needed by Serif
JDK-8273359 CI: ciInstanceKlass::get_canonical_holder() doesn't respect instance size
JDK-8273361 InfoOptsTest is failing in tier1
JDK-8273366 [testbug] javax/swing/UIDefaults/6302464/ fails on macOS12
JDK-8273369 Computing micros between two instants unexpectedly overflows for some cases
JDK-8273372 Remove scavenge trace message in psPromotionManager
JDK-8273373 Zero: Cannot invoke JVM in primordial threads on Zero
JDK-8273375 Remove redundant 'new String' calls after concatenation in java.desktop
JDK-8273376 Zero: Disable vtable/itableStub gtests
JDK-8273378 Shenandoah: Remove the remaining uses of os::is_MP
JDK-8273380 ARM32: Default to in StubRoutines::atomic__long
JDK-8273381 Assert in PtrQueueBufferAllocatorTest.stress_free_list_allocator_vm
JDK-8273383 vmTestbase/vm/gc/containers/Combination05/ crashes verifying length of DCQS
JDK-8273386 Remove duplicated code in G1DCQS::abandon_completed_buffers
JDK-8273387 remove some unreferenced gtk-related functions
JDK-8273401 Disable JarIndex support in URLClassPath
JDK-8273402 Use derived NamingExceptions in com.sun.jndi.ldap.Connection#readReply
JDK-8273408 java.lang.AssertionError: typeSig ERROR on generated class property of record
JDK-8273409 Receiver type narrowed by CCP does not always trigger post-parse call devirtualization
JDK-8273410 IR verification framework fails with "Should find method name in validIrRulesMap"
JDK-8273414 ResourceObj::operator delete should handle nullptr in debug builds
JDK-8273416 C2: assert(false) failed: bad AD file after JDK-8252372 with UseSSE=
JDK-8273430 Suspicious duplicate condition in java.util.regex.Grapheme#isExcludedSpacingMark
JDK-8273433 Enable parallelism in vmTestbase_nsk_sysdict tests
JDK-8273435 Remove redundant zero-length check in ClassDesc.of
JDK-8273438 Enable parallelism in vmTestbase/metaspace/stressHierarchy tests
JDK-8273439 Fix G1CollectedHeap includes and forward declarations
JDK-8273440 Zero: Disable runtime/Unsafe/
JDK-8273450 Fix the copyright header of SVML files
JDK-8273451 Remove unreachable return in mutexLocker::wait
JDK-8273452 DocTrees.getDocCommentTree should be specified as idempotent
JDK-8273454 C2: Transform (-a)(-b) into ab
JDK-8273456 Do not hold ttyLock around stack walking
JDK-8273459 Update code segment alignment to 64 bytes
JDK-8273462 ProblemList vmTestbase/vm/mlvm/anonloader/stress/oome/heap/ in -Xcomp mode
JDK-8273471 Add foldmultilines to UL for stdout/err
JDK-8273476 G1: refine G1CollectedHeap::par_iterate_regions_array_part_from
JDK-8273478 [macos11] JTabbedPane selected and pressed tab is not legible
JDK-8273482 Remove "foreground work" concept from WorkGang
JDK-8273483 Zero: Clear pending JNI exception check in native method handler
JDK-8273484 Cleanup unnecessary null comparison before instanceof check in java.naming
JDK-8273486 Zero: Handle DiagnoseSyncOnValueBasedClasses VM option
JDK-8273487 Zero: Handle "zero" variant in runtime tests
JDK-8273489 Zero: Handle UseHeavyMonitors on all monitorenter paths
JDK-8273491 java.util.spi.LocaleServiceProvider spec contains statement that is too strict
JDK-8273492 Move evacuation failure handling into G1YoungCollector
JDK-8273494 Zero: Put into "zero" folder, not "server"
JDK-8273497 should link to both md and html
JDK-8273498 compiler/c2/ timed out
JDK-8273505 runtime/cds/appcds/loaderConstraints/ crashed with SIGSEGV in MetaspaceShared::link_shared_classes
JDK-8273507 Convert test/jdk/java/nio/channels/Channels/ to TestNG test
JDK-8273508 Support archived heap objects in SerialGC
JDK-8273512 Fix the copyright header of x86 macroAssembler files
JDK-8273513 Make specification more precise about overrides
JDK-8273514 java/util/DoubleStreamSums/ failure
JDK-8273516 ProblemList compiler/c2/ in -Xcomp mode on win-X64
JDK-8273522 Rename test property to
JDK-8273526 Extend the OSContainer API pids controller with pids.current
JDK-8273528 Avoid ByteArrayOutputStream.toByteArray when converting stream to String
JDK-8273539 [PPC64] gtest build error after JDK-8264207
JDK-8273541 Cleaner Thread creates with normal priority instead of MAX_PRIORITY - 2
JDK-8273544 Increase test coverage for snippets
JDK-8273545 Remove Thread::is_GC_task_thread()
JDK-8273546 DecimalFormat documentation contains literal HTML character references
JDK-8273550 Replace os::cgc_thread/pgc_thread with os::gc_thread
JDK-8273559 Shenandoah: Shenandoah should support multi-threaded heap dump
JDK-8273575 memory leak in appendBootClassPath(), paths must be deallocated
JDK-8273578 javax/swing/JMenu/4515762/ fails on macOS 12
JDK-8273581 Change the mechanism by which JDK loads the platform-specific FontManager class
JDK-8273584 TypeElement.getSuperclass crashes for a record TypeElement when j.l.Record is not available
JDK-8273585 String.charAt performance degrades due to JDK-8268698
JDK-8273590 Move helper classes in G1 post evacuation sub tasks to cpp files
JDK-8273592 Backout JDK-8271868
JDK-8273595 tools/jpackage tests do not work on apt-based Linux distros like Debian
JDK-8273597 Rectify Thread::is_ConcurrentGC_thread()
JDK-8273599 Remove cross_threshold method usage around GC
JDK-8273605 VM Exit does not abort concurrent mark
JDK-8273606 Zero: SPARC64 build fails with si_band type mismatch
JDK-8273609 Fix trivial doc typos in the compiler area
JDK-8273610 LogTestFixture::restore_config() should not restore options
JDK-8273611 Remove unused ProfilePrint_lock
JDK-8273612 Fix for JDK-8272873 causes timeout in running some tests with -Xcomp
JDK-8273613 JFR: RemoteRecordingStream::start() blocks close()
JDK-8273614 Shenandoah: intermittent timeout with ConcurrentGCBreakpoint tests
JDK-8273616 Fix trivial doc typos in the java.base module
JDK-8273626 G1: Factor out concurrent segmented array from G1CardSetAllocator
JDK-8273629 compiler/uncommontrap/ fails with release VMs
JDK-8273634 [TEST_BUG] Improve javax/swing/text/ParagraphView/6364882/
JDK-8273635 Attempting to acquire lock StackWatermark_lock/9 out of order with lock tty_lock/3
JDK-8273638 javax/swing/JTable/4235420/ fails in GTK L&F
JDK-8273639 tests fail with "assert(_handle_mark_nesting > 1) failed: memory leak: allocating handle outside HandleMark"
JDK-8273641 (bf) Buffer subclasses documentation contains template strings
JDK-8273646 Add openssl from path variable also in to Default System Openssl Path in OpensslArtifactFetcher
JDK-8273651 JFR: onMetadata(), setStartTime(), setEndTime() lacks test coverage
JDK-8273654 JFR: Remove unused SecuritySupport.setAccessible(Field)
JDK-8273655 files are missing some common types
JDK-8273656 Improve java.lang.invoke.MethodType.parameterList() and its usage
JDK-8273659 Replay compilation crashes with SIGSEGV since 8271911
JDK-8273670 Remove weak etypes from default krb5 etype list
JDK-8273675 Remove unused Universe::_verify_in_progress flag
JDK-8273678 TableAccessibility and TableRowAccessibility miss autorelease
JDK-8273681 Add Vector API vs Arrays.mismatch intrinsic benchmark
JDK-8273682 Upgrade Jline to 3.20.0
JDK-8273684 Replace usages of java.util.Stack with ArrayDeque
JDK-8273685 Remove jtreg tag manual=yesno for java/awt/Graphics/ & show test instruction
JDK-8273691 Missing comma after 2021 in copyright notice
JDK-8273695 Safepoint deadlock on VMOperation_lock
JDK-8273704 failed : drawString with InfiniteXform transform takes long time
JDK-8273710 Remove redundant stream() call before forEach in jdk.jdeps
JDK-8273711 Remove redundant stream() call before forEach in jdk.jlink
JDK-8273712 C2: Add mechanism for rejecting inlining of low frequency call sites and deprecate MinInliningThreshold.
JDK-8273714 jdk/jfr/api/consumer/ still times out after JDK-8273047
JDK-8273730 WorkGangBarrierSync constructor unused
JDK-8273745 occasionally times out
JDK-8273754 Re-introduce Automatic-Module-Name in empty jars
JDK-8273756 Enhance BMP image support
JDK-8273774 CDSPluginTest should only expect classes_nocoops.jsa exists on supported 64-bit platforms
JDK-8273783 Simplify Metaspace arena guard handling
JDK-8273790 Potential cyclic dependencies between Gregorian and CalendarSystem
JDK-8273792 JumpableGenerator.rngs() documentation refers to wrong method
JDK-8273797 Stop impersonating "server" VM in all VM variants
JDK-8273801 Handle VMTYPE for "core" VM variant
JDK-8273803 Zero: Handle "zero" variant in
JDK-8273804 Platform.isTieredSupported should handle the no-compiler case
JDK-8273805 gc/g1/ test should handle non-JFR configs
JDK-8273806 compiler/cpuflags/ should test for CPU feature explicitly
JDK-8273807 Zero: Drop incorrect test block from compiler/startup/
JDK-8273808 Cleanup AddFontsToX11FontPath
JDK-8273815 move have_special_privileges to os_posix for POSIX platforms
JDK-8273823 Problemlist gc/stringdedup tests timing out on ZGC
JDK-8273825 fails after JDK-8266550
JDK-8273826 Correct Manifest file name and NPE checks
JDK-8273831 PrintServiceLookup spawns 2 threads in the current classloader, getting orphaned
JDK-8273832 gc/shenandoah/ does not have a @requires vm.gc.shenandoah
JDK-8273838 Enhanced BMP processing
JDK-8273872 ZGC: Explicitly use 2M large pages
JDK-8273877 os::unsetenv unused
JDK-8273880 Zero: Print warnings when unsupported intrinsics are enabled
JDK-8273881 Metaspace: test repeated deallocations
JDK-8273887 [macos] java/awt/color/ICC_ColorSpace/ timed out
JDK-8273894 ConcurrentModificationException raised every time ReferralsCache drops referral
JDK-8273895 compiler/ciReplay/ fails due to wrong data size with TieredStopAtLevel=2,3
JDK-8273902 Memory leak in OopStorage due to bug in OopHandle::release()
JDK-8273907 Cleanup redundant Math.max/min calls in DefaultHighlighter
JDK-8273909 vmTestbase/nsk/jdi/Event/request/request001 can still fail with "ERROR: new event is not ThreadStartEvent"
JDK-8273910 Redundant condition and assignment in
JDK-8273912 Add threadControl_dumpThread(jthread) function
JDK-8273913 Problem list some headful client jtreg tests that fail on macOS 12
JDK-8273915 Create 'nosafepoint' rank
JDK-8273916 Remove 'special' ranking
JDK-8273917 Remove 'leaf' ranking for Mutex
JDK-8273921 Refactor NSK/JDI tests to create thread using factory
JDK-8273922 (fs) UserDefinedFileAttributeView doesn't handle file names that are just under the MAX_PATH limit (win)
JDK-8273924 ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException thrown in java.util.JapaneseImperialCalendar.add()
JDK-8273927 Enable hsdis for riscv64
JDK-8273928 Use named run ids when problem listing tests
JDK-8273929 Remove GzipRandomAccess in heap dump test
JDK-8273933 [TESTBUG] Test must run without preallocated exceptions
JDK-8273934 Remove unused perfcounters
JDK-8273935 (zipfs) Files.getFileAttributeView() throws UOE instead of returning null when view not supported
JDK-8273940 vmTestbase/vm/mlvm/meth/stress/gc/callSequencesDuringGC/ crashes in full gc during VM exit
JDK-8273946 Move clearQuad method to BaseShaderGraphics superclass
JDK-8273956 Add checking for rank values
JDK-8273958 gtest/MetaspaceGtests executes unnecessary tests in debug builds
JDK-8273959 Some metaspace diagnostic switches should be develop
JDK-8273960 Redundant condition in
JDK-8273961 jdk/nio/zipfs/ fails if file path contains '+' character
JDK-8273965 some testlibrary_tests/ir_framework tests fail when c1 disabled
JDK-8273967 gtest os.dll_address_to_function_and_library_name_vm fails on macOS12
JDK-8273968 JCK javax_xml tests fail in CI
JDK-8273969 Memory Leak on the Runnable provided to Platform.startup
JDK-8273972 Multi-core choke point in CMM engine (LCMSTransform.doTransform)
JDK-8273979 move some os time related functions to os_posix for POSIX platforms
JDK-8273998 Clarify specification for Window properties controlled by the window manager
JDK-8274003 ProcessHandleImpl.Info toString has an if check which is always true
JDK-8274004 Change 'nonleaf' rank name
JDK-8274007 [REDO] VM Exit does not abort concurrent mark
JDK-8274016 Replace 'for' cycles with iterator with enhanced-for in java.desktop
JDK-8274022 Additional Memory Leak in ControlAcceleratorSupport
JDK-8274029 Remove jtreg tag manual=yesno for java/awt/print/Dialog/
JDK-8274031 Typo in StringBuilder.readObject
JDK-8274032 Remove jtreg tag manual=yesno for java/awt/print/PrinterJob/ImagePrinting/ & show test UI
JDK-8274033 Some tier-4 CDS EpsilonGC tests throw OOM
JDK-8274039 codestrings gtest fails when hsdis is present
JDK-8274048 IGV: Replace usages of Collections.sort with List.sort call
JDK-8274050 Unnecessary Vector usage in javax.crypto
JDK-8274053 [BACKOUT] JDK-8270842: G1: Only young regions need to redirty outside references in remset.
JDK-8274054 Add custom enqueue calls during reference processing
JDK-8274056 JavaAccessibilityUtilities leaks JNI objects
JDK-8274060 C2: Incorrect computation after JDK-8273454
JDK-8274061 Tree-/TableRowSkin: misbehavior on switching skin
JDK-8274068 Rename G1ScanInYoungSetter to G1SkipCardEnqueueSetter
JDK-8274069 Clean up g1ParScanThreadState a bit
JDK-8274070 Rectify problemlist platform for failing test on macos12
JDK-8274071 Clean up java.lang.ref comments and documentation
JDK-8274074 SIGFPE with C2 compiled code with -XX:+StressGCM
JDK-8274075 Fix miscellaneous typos in java.base
JDK-8274079 Cleanup unnecessary calls to Throwable.initCause() in java.base module
JDK-8274083 Update testing docs to mention tiered testing
JDK-8274087 Windows DLL path not set correctly.
JDK-8274096 Improve decoding of image files
JDK-8274107 Cherry pick GTK WebKit 2.32.4 changes
JDK-8274114 ProblemList serviceability/sa/ on linux-aarch64 in -Xcomp mode
JDK-8274120 [JVMCI] CompileBroker should resolve parameter types for JVMCI compiles
JDK-8274130 C2: MulNode::Ideal chained transformations may act on wrong nodes
JDK-8274136 -XX:+ExitOnOutOfMemoryError calls exit while threads are running
JDK-8274137 TableView scrollbar/header misaligned when reloading data
JDK-8274143 Disable "invalid entry for security.provider.X" error message in log file when security.provider.X is empty
JDK-8274145 C2: condition incorrectly made redundant with dominating main loop exit condition
JDK-8274160 java/awt/Window/ShapedAndTranslucentWindows/ delay is too high
JDK-8274161 Cleanup redundant casts in jdk.compiler
JDK-8274163 Use String.equals instead of String.compareTo in jdk.jcmd
JDK-8274168 Avoid String.compareTo == 0 to check String equality in
JDK-8274169 HotSpot Style Guide has stale link to chromium style guide
JDK-8274170 Add hooks for custom makefiles to augment jtreg test execution
JDK-8274171 java/nio/file/Files/probeContentType/ failed on "Content type" mismatches
JDK-8274172 Convert JavadocTester to use NIO
JDK-8274175 (fc) java/nio/channels/FileChannel/ still failed in timeout
JDK-8274179 AArch64: Support SVE operations with encodable immediates
JDK-8274190 Use String.equals instead of String.compareTo in jdk.internal.jvmstat
JDK-8274191 Improve g1 evacuation failure injector performance
JDK-8274195 Doc cleanup in java.nio.file
JDK-8274196 Crashes in VM_HeapDumper::work after JDK-8252842
JDK-8274205 Handle KDC_ERR_SVC_UNAVAILABLE error code from KDC
JDK-8274211 Test man page that options are documented
JDK-8274216 ProblemList 2 serviceability/dcmd/gc tests with ZGC on linux-all and windows-all
JDK-8274227 Remove "impl.prefix" jdk system property usage from InetAddress
JDK-8274232 Cleanup unnecessary null comparison before instanceof check in jdk.jdi
JDK-8274233 Minor cleanup for ToolBox
JDK-8274234 Remove unnecessary boxing via primitive wrapper valueOf(String) methods in java.sql.rowset
JDK-8274237 Replace 'for' cycles with iterator with enhanced-for in java.base
JDK-8274242 Implement fast-path for ASCII-compatible CharsetEncoders on x86
JDK-8274244 fails on rerun
JDK-8274245 sun/tools/jmap/ Mutex rank failures
JDK-8274255 Update javac messages to use "enum class" rather than "enum type"
JDK-8274259 G1: assert(check_alignment(result)) failed: address not aligned: 0x00000008baadbabe after JDK-8270009
JDK-8274261 Use enhanced-for instead of plain 'for' in jdk.jcmd
JDK-8274265 Suspicious string concatenation in logTestUtils.inline.hpp
JDK-8274273 Update testing docs for MacOS with Non-US locale
JDK-8274274 Update JUnit to version 5.8.1
JDK-8274276 Cache normalizedBase URL in URLClassPath.FileLoader
JDK-8274282 Clarify special wait assert
JDK-8274286 Skip null for make_referent_alive in referenceProcessor
JDK-8274289 jdk/jfr/api/consumer/ failed with "RuntimeException: assertNotEquals: expected Interpreted to not equal Interpreted"
JDK-8274293 Build failure on macOS with Xcode 13.0 as vfork is deprecated
JDK-8274294 ProblemList sun/tools/jmap/
JDK-8274296 Update or Problem List tests which may fail with uiScale=2 on macOS
JDK-8274298 JFR Thread Sampler thread must not acquire malloc lock after suspending a thread because of possible deadlock
JDK-8274299 Make Method/Constructor/Field accessors @Stable
JDK-8274311 Make more configurable
JDK-8274312 ProblemList 2 serviceability/dcmd/gc tests with ZGC on macos-all
JDK-8274313 ProblemList sun/tools/jmap/ subtests
JDK-8274314 Typo in WatchService#poll(long timeout, TimeUnit unit) javadoc
JDK-8274315 JFR: One closed state per file or stream
JDK-8274317 Unnecessary reentrant synchronized block in java.awt.Cursor
JDK-8274318 Replace 'for' cycles with iterator with enhanced-for in
JDK-8274319 Replace usages of Collections.sort with List.sort call in jdk.jfr
JDK-8274320 os::fork_and_exec() should be using posix_spawn
JDK-8274321 Standardize values of @since tags in javax.lang.model
JDK-8274322 Problems with oopDesc construction
JDK-8274323 compiler/codegen/aes/ failed with "Error: invalid offset: -1434443640" after 8273297
JDK-8274325 C4819 warning at vm_version_x86.cpp on Windows after JDK-8234160
JDK-8274326 [macos] Ensure initialisation of sun/lwawt/macosx/CAccessibility in JavaComponentAccessibility.m
JDK-8274328 C2: Redundant CFG edges fixup in block ordering
JDK-8274329 Fix non-portable HotSpot code in MethodMatcher::parse_method_pattern
JDK-8274330 Incorrect encoding of the DistributionPointName object in IssuingDistributionPointExtension
JDK-8274333 Redundant null comparison after Pattern.split
JDK-8274338 com/sun/jdi/ failed "assert(m != __null) failed: NULL mirror"
JDK-8274340 [BACKOUT] JDK-8271880: Tighten condition for excluding regions from collecting cards with cross-references
JDK-8274345 make build-test-lib is broken
JDK-8274346 Support for additional content in an app-image.
JDK-8274347 Passing a nested switch expression as a parameter causes an NPE during compile
JDK-8274349 ForkJoinPool.commonPool() does not work with 1 CPU
JDK-8274363 Transitively sealed classes not considered exhaustive in switches
JDK-8274367 Re-indent stack-trace examples for Throwable.printStackTrace
JDK-8274374 Additional fix for JDK-8272014
JDK-8274379 Allow process of unsafe access errors in check_special_condition_for_native_trans
JDK-8274381 missing CAccessibility definitions in JNI code
JDK-8274383 JNI call of getAccessibleSelection on a wrong thread
JDK-8274391 Suppress more warnings on non-serializable non-transient instance fields in java.util.concurrent
JDK-8274392 Suppress more warnings on non-serializable non-transient instance fields in java.sql.rowset
JDK-8274393 Suppress more warnings on non-serializable non-transient instance fields in security libs
JDK-8274394 Use Optional.isEmpty instead of !Optional.isPresent in jdk.jlink
JDK-8274395 Use enhanced-for instead of plain 'for' in jdk.internal.jvmstat
JDK-8274396 Suppress more warnings on non-serializable non-transient instance fields in client libs
JDK-8274397 [macOS] Stop setting env. var JAVA_MAIN_CLASS_ in launcher code
JDK-8274398 Suppress more warnings on non-serializable non-transient instance fields in management libs
JDK-8274401 C2: GraphKit::load_array_element bypasses Access API
JDK-8274405 Suppress warnings on non-serializable non-transient instance fields in javac and javadoc
JDK-8274406 failed "assert(!LCA_orig->dominates(pred_block) || early->dominates(pred_block)) failed: early is high enough"
JDK-8274407 (tz) Update Timezone Data to 2021c
JDK-8274413 FX: Update copyright year in docs, readme files to 2022
JDK-8274415 Suppress warnings on non-serializable non-transient instance fields in java.xml
JDK-8274430 Remove some debug error printing code added in JDK-8017163
JDK-8274433 All Cells: misbehavior of startEdit
JDK-8274434 move os::get_default_process_handle and os::dll_lookup to os_posix for POSIX platforms
JDK-8274435 EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION in BFSClosure::closure_impl
JDK-8274453 (sctp) com/sun/nio/sctp/SctpChannel/ test should be resilient to lsof warnings
JDK-8274456 Remove jtreg tag manual=yesno java/awt/print/PrinterJob/
JDK-8274464 Remove redundant stream() call before forEach in java.* modules
JDK-8274465 Fix javax/swing/text/ParagraphView/6364882/ failures
JDK-8274466 G1: use field directly rather than method in G1CollectorState::in_mixed_phase
JDK-8274467 fails with tzdata2021b
JDK-8274468 fails with tzdata2021b
JDK-8274471 Verification of OCSP Response signed with RSASSA-PSS fails
JDK-8274496 Use String.contains() instead of String.indexOf() in java.desktop
JDK-8274497 Unnecessary Vector usage in AquaFileSystemModel
JDK-8274501 c2i entry barriers read int as long on AArch64
JDK-8274505 Too weak variable type leads to unnecessary cast in java.desktop
JDK-8274506 and fail with podman run as root
JDK-8274509 Remove stray * and stylistic . from doc comments
JDK-8274516 [REDO] JDK-8271880: Tighten condition for excluding regions from collecting cards with cross-references
JDK-8274521 jdk/jfr/event/gc/detailed/ fails when other GC is selected
JDK-8274522 java/lang/management/ManagementFactory/ test fails with Shenandoah
JDK-8274523 java/lang/management/MemoryMXBean/ test should handle Shenandoah
JDK-8274525 Replace uses of StringBuffer with StringBuilder in java.xml
JDK-8274527 Minimal VM build fails after JDK-8273459
JDK-8274528 Add comment to explain an HKDF optimization in SSLSecretDerivation
JDK-8274546 Shenandoah: Remove unused ShenandoahUpdateRootsTask copy
JDK-8274548 (fc) FileChannel gathering write fails with IOException "Invalid argument" on macOS 11.6
JDK-8274550 c2i entry barriers read int as long on PPC
JDK-8274559 JFR: Typo in 'jfr help configure' text
JDK-8274560 JFR: Add test for OldObjectSample event when using Shenandoah
JDK-8274561 sun/net/ftp/ timed out on slow machines
JDK-8274562 (fs) UserDefinedFileAttributeView doesn't correctly determine if supported when using OverlayFS
JDK-8274563 jfr/event/oldobject/ fails when GC cycles are not happening
JDK-8274605 Fix predicate guarantees on returned values in (Doc)SourcePositions
JDK-8274606 Fix jaxp/javax/xml/jaxp/unittest/transform/ test
JDK-8274610 Add linux-aarch64 to bootcycle build profiles
JDK-8274615 Support relaxed atomic add for linux-aarch64
JDK-8274620 resourcehogs/serviceability/sa/ is timing out
JDK-8274621 NullPointerException because listenAddress[0] is null
JDK-8274625 Search field placeholder behavior
JDK-8274632 Possible pointer overflow in PretouchTask chunk claiming
JDK-8274634 Use String.equals instead of String.compareTo in java.desktop
JDK-8274635 Use String.equals instead of String.compareTo in jdk.accessibility
JDK-8274639 Provide a way to disable warnings for cross-modular links
JDK-8274640 Cleanup unnecessary null comparison before instanceof check in java.desktop
JDK-8274642 jdk/jshell/ fails with NoSuchElementException after JDK-8271287
JDK-8274651 Possible race in FontDesignMetrics.KeyReference.dispose
JDK-8274656 Remove default_checksum and safe_checksum_type from krb5.conf
JDK-8274658 ISO 4217 Amendment 170 Update
JDK-8274662 Replace 'while' cycles with iterator with enhanced-for in jdk.hotspot.agent
JDK-8274666 rename HtmlStyle.descfrmTypeLabel to be less cryptic
JDK-8274669 Dialog sometimes ignores max height
JDK-8274670 Improve version string handling in SA
JDK-8274680 Remove unnecessary conversion to String in java.desktop
JDK-8274685 Documentation suggests there are ArbitrarilyJumpableGenerator when none
JDK-8274686 java.util.UUID#hashCode() should use Long.hashCode()
JDK-8274687 JDWP deadlocks if some Java thread reaches wait in blockOnDebuggerSuspend
JDK-8274699 Certain blend modes cannot be set from CSS
JDK-8274714 Incorrect verifier protected access error message
JDK-8274715 Implement forEach in Collections.CopiesList
JDK-8274716 JDWP Spec: the description for the Dispose command confuses suspend with resume.
JDK-8274718 runtime/cds/appcds/ fails with -XX:-CompactStrings
JDK-8274721 UnixSystem fails to provide uid, gid or groups if no username is available
JDK-8274729 Define Position.NOPOS == Diagnostic.NOPOS
JDK-8274730 AArch64: AES/GCM acceleration is broken by the fix for JDK-8273297
JDK-8274734 the method jdk.jshell.SourceCodeAnalysis documentation not working
JDK-8274736 Concurrent read/close of SSLSockets causes SSLSessions to be invalidated unnecessarily
JDK-8274738 ZGC: Use relaxed atomic load when reading bits in the live map
JDK-8274744 TestSnippetTag test fails after recent integration
JDK-8274745 ProblemList
JDK-8274750 java/io/File/ failed: '/dev': 191488 != 190976
JDK-8274753 ZGC: SEGV in MetaspaceShared::link_shared_classes
JDK-8274755 Replace 'while' cycles with iterator with enhanced-for in jdk.jdi
JDK-8274757 Cleanup unnecessary calls to Throwable.initCause() in module
JDK-8274770 [PPC64] resolve_jobject needs a generic implementation to support load barriers
JDK-8274773 [TESTBUG] UnsafeIntrinsicsTest intermittently fails on weak memory model platform
JDK-8274779 HttpURLConnection: HttpClient and HttpsClient incorrectly check request method when set to POST
JDK-8274780 ChannelInputStream.readNBytes(int) incorrectly calls readAllBytes()
JDK-8274781 Use monospace font for enclosing interface
JDK-8274784 jshell: Garbled character was displayed by System.out.println(...) on Japanese Windows
JDK-8274785 ciReplay: Potential crash due to uninitialized Compile::_ilt variable
JDK-8274793 Suppress warnings on non-serializable non-transient instance fields in
JDK-8274794 Print all owned locks in hs_err file
JDK-8274795 AArch64: avoid spilling and restoring r18 in macro assembler
JDK-8274797 ProblemList resourcehogs/serviceability/sa/ on macosx-x64
JDK-8274806 Simplify equals() call on nullable variable and a constant in java.desktop
JDK-8274835 Remove unnecessary castings in java.base
JDK-8274838 runtime/cds/appcds/ fails on Windows
JDK-8274840 Update OS detection code to recognize Windows 11
JDK-8274848 LambdaMetaFactory::metafactory on REF_invokeSpecial impl method has incorrect behavior
JDK-8274851 [PPC64] Port zgc to linux on ppc64le
JDK-8274854 Mnemonics for menu containing numeric text not working
JDK-8274855 vectorapi tests failing with assert(!vbox->is_Phi()) failed
JDK-8274856 Failing jpackage tests with fastdebug/release build
JDK-8274858 Remove unused dictionary_classes_do functions
JDK-8274864 Remove Amman/Cairo hacks in ZoneInfoFile
JDK-8274879 Replace uses of StringBuffer with StringBuilder within java.base classes
JDK-8274882 Cleanup redundant boxing in java.desktop
JDK-8274883 (se) throws IAE when the default file system provider is changed to a custom provider
JDK-8274888 Dump "-DReproduce=true" to the test VM command line output
JDK-8274894 Use Optional.empty() instead of ofNullable(null) in HttpResponse.BodySubscribers.discarding
JDK-8274899 Replace usages of Collections.sort with List.sort call in jdk.hotspot.agent
JDK-8274900 Too weak variable type leads to unnecessary cast in jdk.javadoc
JDK-8274903 Zero: Support AsyncGetCallTrace
JDK-8274910 Compile in G1 evacuation failure injection code based on define
JDK-8274911 testlibrary_tests/ir_framework/tests/ fails with "java.lang.RuntimeException: Should have thrown exception"
JDK-8274920 ProblemList 2 VectorAPI tests failing due to "assert(!vbox->is_Phi()) failed"
JDK-8274925 Shenandoah: shenandoah/ test failed on lock rank check
JDK-8274927 Remove unnecessary G1ArchiveAllocator code
JDK-8274929 Crash while reading specific clipboard content
JDK-8274930 sun/tools/jps/ can fail with long VM arguments string
JDK-8274934 Attempting to acquire lock JNICritical_lock/41 out of order with lock MultiArray_lock/41
JDK-8274935 dumptime_table has stale entry
JDK-8274937 Revert the timeout setting for DynamicLoaderConstraintsTest
JDK-8274942 AssertionError at jdk.compiler/
JDK-8274944 AppCDS dump causes SEGV in VM thread while adjusting lambda proxy class info
JDK-8274945 Cleanup unnecessary calls to Throwable.initCause() in java.desktop
JDK-8274946 Cleanup unnecessary calls to Throwable.initCause() in java.rmi
JDK-8274949 Use String.contains() instead of String.indexOf() in java.base
JDK-8274952 jdk/jfr/api/consumer/ failed when c1 disabled
JDK-8274983 C1 optimizes the invocation of private interface methods
JDK-8274986 max code printed in hs-err logs should be configurable
JDK-8274988 G1: refine G1SegmentedArrayAllocOptions and G1CardSetAllocOptions
JDK-8275002 Remove unused AbstractStringBuilder.MAX_ARRAY_SIZE
JDK-8275003 Suppress warnings on non-serializable non-transient instance fields in windows mscapi
JDK-8275004 CDS build failure with gcc11
JDK-8275007 Java fails to start with null charset if LC_ALL is set to certain locales
JDK-8275008 gtest build failure due to stringop-overflow warning with gcc11
JDK-8275013 Improve discussion of serialization method declarations in
JDK-8275021 Test serviceability/sa/ fails with: Stack frame 0x4 not found
JDK-8275031 runtime/ErrorHandling/ fails when hsdis is present
JDK-8275035 Clean up worker thread infrastructure
JDK-8275037 Test vmTestbase/nsk/sysdict/vm/stress/btree/btree011/ crashes with memory exhaustion on Windows
JDK-8275047 Optimize existing fill stubs for AVX-512 target
JDK-8275049 [ZGC] missing null check in ZNMethod::log_register
JDK-8275051 Shenandoah: Correct ordering of requested gc cause and gc request flag
JDK-8275052 AArch64: Severe AES/GCM slowdown on MacOS for short blocks
JDK-8275055 Improve HeapRegionRemSet::split_card()
JDK-8275056 Virtualize G1CardSet containers over heap region
JDK-8275063 Implementation of Foreign Function & Memory API (Second incubator)
JDK-8275071 [macos] A11y cursor gets stuck when combobox is closed
JDK-8275074 Cleanup unused code in JFR LeakProfiler
JDK-8275075 Remove unnecessary conversion to String in jdk.hotspot.agent
JDK-8275079 Remove unnecessary conversion to String in
JDK-8275080 G1CollectedHeap::expand() returns the wrong value
JDK-8275082 Update XML Security for Java to 2.3.0
JDK-8275084 CDS warning when building with LOG=debug
JDK-8275086 compiler/c2/irTests/ fails when compiler1 is disabled
JDK-8275091 /src/ has non-canonical order
JDK-8275097 Wrong span of the 'default' tag
JDK-8275104 IR framework does not handle client VM builds correctly
JDK-8275106 Cleanup Iterator usages in java.desktop
JDK-8275128 Build hsdis using normal build system
JDK-8275131 Exceptions after a touchpad gesture on macOS
JDK-8275137 jdk.unsupported/sun.reflect.ReflectionFactory.readObjectNoDataForSerialization uses wrong signature
JDK-8275138 WebView: UserAgent string is empty for first request
JDK-8275145 file.encoding system property has an incorrect value on Windows
JDK-8275149 (ch) ReadableByteChannel returned by Channels.newChannel(InputStream) throws ReadOnlyBufferException
JDK-8275150 URLClassLoaderTable should store OopHandle instead of Handle
JDK-8275162 Use varargs in 'def' macros in mutexLocker.cpp
JDK-8275163 Deflater::deflate methods omit javadoc for ReadOnlyBufferException
JDK-8275167 x86 intrinsic for unsignedMultiplyHigh
JDK-8275171 ProblemList compiler/codegen/aes/ on linux-x64 and windows-x64 in -Xcomp mode
JDK-8275173 testlibrary_tests/ir_framework/tests/ fails after JDK-8274911
JDK-8275185 Remove dead code and clean up jvmstat LocalVmManager
JDK-8275186 Suppress warnings on non-serializable array component types in xml
JDK-8275187 Suppress warnings on non-serializable array component types in java.sql.rowset
JDK-8275197 Remove unused fields in ThaiBuddhistChronology
JDK-8275199 Bogus warning generated for serializable records
JDK-8275226 Shenandoah: Relax memory constraint for worker claiming tasks/ranges
JDK-8275233 Incorrect line number reported in exception stack trace thrown from a lambda expression
JDK-8275234 java/awt/GraphicsDevice/DisplayModes/ is entered twice in ProblemList
JDK-8275240 Change nested classes in jdk.attach to static nested classes
JDK-8275241 Unused ArrayList is created in RequestEngine.addHooks
JDK-8275244 Suppress warnings on non-serializable array component types in
JDK-8275249 Suppress warnings on non-serializable array component types in jdk.jlink
JDK-8275252 Migrate cacerts from JKS to password-less PKCS12
JDK-8275262 [BACKOUT] AArch64: Implement string_compare intrinsic in SVE
JDK-8275265 java/nio/channels tests needing large heap sizes fail on x86_32
JDK-8275273 Add missing HtmlStyle documentation
JDK-8275277 assert(dest_attr.is_in_cset() == (obj->forwardee() == obj)) failed: Only evac-failed objects must be in the collection set here but is not
JDK-8275286 Check current thread when calling JRT methods that expect it
JDK-8275287 Relax memory ordering constraints on updating instance class and array class counters
JDK-8275293 A change done with JDK-8268764 mismatches the java.rmi.server.ObjID.hashCode spec
JDK-8275298 Remove unnecessary weak_oops_do call in adjust weak roots phase
JDK-8275301 Unify C-heap buffer overrun checks into NMT
JDK-8275302 unexpected compiler error: cast, intersection types and sealed
JDK-8275308 Add valueOf(Runtime.Version) factory to SourceVersion
JDK-8275317 AArch64: Support some type conversion vectorization in SLP
JDK-8275319 throws java.lang.Error instead of SocketException
JDK-8275320 NMT should perform buffer overrun checks
JDK-8275322 Change nested classes in to static nested classes
JDK-8275326 C2: assert(no_dead_loop) failed: dead loop detected
JDK-8275329 ZGC: vmTestbase/gc/gctests/SoftReference/soft004/ fails with assert(_phases->length() <= 1000) failed: Too many recored phases?
JDK-8275330 C2: assert(n->is_Root() || n->is_Region() || n->is_Phi() || n->is_MachMerge() || def_block->dominates(block)) failed: uses must be dominated by definitions
JDK-8275333 Print count in "Too many recored phases?" assert
JDK-8275334 Move class loading Events to a separate section in hs_err files
JDK-8275342 Change nested classes in java.prefs to static nested classes
JDK-8275344 -Xcheck:jni produces some warnings in the LCMS.c
JDK-8275347 ciReplay: staticfield lines not properly terminated
JDK-8275360 Use @Override in javax.annotation.processing
JDK-8275368 Correct statement of kinds of elements Processor.process operates over
JDK-8275375 [REDO] JDK-8271949 dumppath in -XX:FlightRecorderOptions does not affect
JDK-8275381 G1: refactor 2 constructors of G1CardSetConfiguration
JDK-8275384 Change nested classes in jdk.jconsole to static nested classes
JDK-8275385 Change nested classes in jdk.jdi to static nested classes
JDK-8275386 Change nested classes in jdk.jlink to static nested classes
JDK-8275405 Linking error for classes with lambda template parameters and virtual functions
JDK-8275406 Add copy-to-clipboard feature to snippet UI
JDK-8275413 Remove unused InstanceKlass::set_array_klasses() method
JDK-8275415 Prepare Leak Profiler for Lilliput
JDK-8275416 G1: remove unnecessary make_referent_alive in precleaning phase
JDK-8275426 PretouchTask num_chunks calculation can overflow
JDK-8275436 [BACKOUT] JDK-8271949 dumppath in -XX:FlightRecorderOptions does not affect
JDK-8275439 Remove PrintVtableStats
JDK-8275440 Remove VirtualSpaceList::is_full()
JDK-8275445 failed "assert(ZAddress::is_marked(addr)) failed: Should be marked"
JDK-8275448 [REDO] AArch64: Implement string_compare intrinsic in SVE
JDK-8275449 Add linux-aarch64-zero build profile
JDK-8275506 Rename allocated_on_stack to allocated_on_stack_or_embedded
JDK-8275509 ModuleDescriptor.hashCode isn't reproducible across builds
JDK-8275511 G1: Rename needs_remset_update to remset_is_tracked in G1HeapRegionAttr
JDK-8275512 Upgrade required version of jtreg to 6.1
JDK-8275517 Off-by-one error in allocation
JDK-8275518 accessibility issue in Inet6Address docs
JDK-8275527 Refactor forward pointer access
JDK-8275534 should check whether "realm" is a quoted string
JDK-8275536 Add test to check that File::lastModified returns same time stamp as Files.getLastModifiedTime
JDK-8275569 Add linux-aarch64 to test-make profiles
JDK-8275582 Don't purge metaspace mapping lists
JDK-8275586 Zero: Simplify interpreter initialization
JDK-8275604 Zero: Reformat opclabels_data
JDK-8275607 G1: G1CardSetAllocator::drop_all needs to call G1SegmentedArray::drop_all
JDK-8275608 runtime/Metaspace/elastic/TestMetaspaceAllocationMT2 too slow
JDK-8275610 C2: Object field load floats above its null check resulting in a segfault
JDK-8275638 GraphKit::combine_exception_states fails with "matching stack sizes" assert
JDK-8275643 C2's unaryOp vector intrinsic does not properly handle LongVector.neg
JDK-8275645 [JVMCI] avoid unaligned volatile reads on AArch64
JDK-8275650 Problemlist java/io/File/createTempFile/ for Windows 11
JDK-8275666 serviceability/jvmti/ shouldn't have vm.flagless
JDK-8275670 ciReplay: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError when trying to load java/lang/invoke/LambdaForm$MH
JDK-8275686 Suppress warnings on non-serializable non-transient instance fields in java.rmi
JDK-8275687 runtime/CommandLine/PrintTouchedMethods test shouldn't catch RuntimeException
JDK-8275688 Suppress warnings on non-serializable non-transient instance fields in DualPivotQuicksort
JDK-8275689 [TESTBUG] Use color tolerance only for XRender in BlitRotateClippedArea test
JDK-8275703 System.loadLibrary fails on Big Sur for libraries hidden from filesystem
JDK-8275704 Metaspace::contains() should be threadsafe
JDK-8275712 Hashtable literal_size functions are broken
JDK-8275714 G1: remove unused variable in G1Policy::transfer_survivors_to_cset
JDK-8275717 Reimplement STATIC_ASSERT to use static_assert
JDK-8275718 Relax memory constraint on exception counter updates
JDK-8275720 CommonComponentAccessibility.createWithParent isWrapped causes mem leak
JDK-8275721 Name of UTC timezone in a locale changes depending on previous code
JDK-8275723 Crash on macOS 12 in GlassRunnable::dealloc
JDK-8275729 Qualified method names in CodeHeap Analytics
JDK-8275730 Relax memory constraint on MultiThreadedRefCounter
JDK-8275735 [linux] Remove deprecated Metrics api (kernel memory limit)
JDK-8275745 Reproducible copyright headers
JDK-8275761 Backout: JDK-8274794 Print all owned locks in hs_err file
JDK-8275766 (tz) Update Timezone Data to 2021e
JDK-8275767 JDK source code contains redundant boolean operations in jdk.charsets
JDK-8275771 JDK source code contains redundant boolean operations in jdk.compiler and langtools
JDK-8275783 G1: fix incorrect region type documentation in HeapRegionType
JDK-8275786 New javadoc option to add script files to generated documentation
JDK-8275788 Create code element with suitable attributes for code snippets
JDK-8275800 Redefinition leaks MethodData::_extra_data_lock
JDK-8275809 crash in [CommonComponentAccessibility getCAccessible:withEnv:]
JDK-8275811 Incorrect instance to dispose
JDK-8275815 OCA link in and is broken
JDK-8275819 [TableRowAccessibility accessibilityChildren] method is ineffective
JDK-8275821 Optimize random number generators developed in JDK-8248862 using Math.unsignedMultiplyHigh()
JDK-8275830 C2: Receiver downcast is missing when inlining through method handle linkers
JDK-8275840 Add test to java/nio/channels/Channels/ to test transfer sizes > 2GB
JDK-8275846 read_base_archive_name() could read past the end of buffer
JDK-8275847 Scheduling fails with "too many D-U pinch points" on small method
JDK-8275848 Deprecate for removal mistakenly exposed field from class javafx.scene.shape.Box
JDK-8275849 fails with tzdata2021e
JDK-8275851 Deproblemlist open/test/jdk/javax/swing/JComponent/6683775/
JDK-8275854 C2: assert(stride_con != 0) failed: missed some peephole opt
JDK-8275856 Remove MetaspaceHandleDeallocations debug switch
JDK-8275863 Use encodeASCII for ASCII-compatible DoubleByte encodings
JDK-8275865 Print deoptimization statistics in product builds
JDK-8275868 ciReplay: Inlining fails with "unloaded signature classes" due to wrong protection domains
JDK-8275869 Problem list applications/jcstress/ on Linux-aarch64
JDK-8275872 Sync J2DBench run and analyze Makefile targets with build.xml
JDK-8275874 [JVMCI] only support aligned reads in c2v_readFieldValue
JDK-8275886 G1: remove obsolete comment in HeapRegion::setup_heap_region_size
JDK-8275887 jarsigner prints invalid digest/signature algorithm warnings if keysize is weak/disabled
JDK-8275908 Record null_check traps for calls and array_check traps in the interpreter
JDK-8275909 [JVMCI] c2v_readFieldValue use long instead of jlong for the offset parameter
JDK-8275911 Keyboard doesn't show when tapping inside an iOS text input control
JDK-8275917 Some locks shouldn't allow_vm_block
JDK-8275950 Use only _thread_in_vm in ~ThreadBlockInVMPreprocess()
JDK-8275975 Remove dead code in ciInstanceKlass
JDK-8276025 Hotspot's may conflict with user dependency
JDK-8276034 ProblemList gtest dll_address_to_function_and_library_name on macosx-x64
JDK-8276036 The value of full_count in the message of insufficient codecache is wrong
JDK-8276039 Remove unnecessary qualifications of java_lang_Class::
JDK-8276042 Remove unused local variables in java.naming
JDK-8276044 ciReplay: C1 does not dump a replay file when using DumpReplay as compile command option
JDK-8276046 codestrings.validate_vm gtest fails on ppc64, s390
JDK-8276047 G1: refactor G1CardSetArrayLocker
JDK-8276054 JMH benchmarks for Fences
JDK-8276055 ZGC: Defragment address space
JDK-8276057 Update JMH devkit to 1.33
JDK-8276058 Some swing test fails on specific CI macos system
JDK-8276063 ProblemList gtest dll_address_to_function_and_library_name on macosx-generic
JDK-8276066 Reset LoopPercentProfileLimit for x86 due to suboptimal performance
JDK-8276067 ZGC: Remove unused function alloc_high_address_at_most()
JDK-8276084 Linux DEB Bundler: release number in outputted .deb file should be optional
JDK-8276086 Increase size of metaspace mappings
JDK-8276093 Improve naming in closures to iterate over card sets
JDK-8276095 ciReplay: replay failure due to incomplete ciMethodData information
JDK-8276096 Simplify Unsafe.Fence fallbacks by delegating to fullFence
JDK-8276098 Do precise BOT updates in G1 evacuation phase
JDK-8276100 Remove G1SegmentedArray constructor name parameter
JDK-8276102 JDK-8245095 integration reverted JDK-8247980
JDK-8276105 C2: Conv(D|F)2(I|L)Nodes::Ideal should handle rounding correctly
JDK-8276107 Preventive collections trigger before maxing out heap
JDK-8276108 Wrong instruction generation in aarch64 backend
JDK-8276110 Problemlist javax/swing/JMenu/4515762/ for macos12
JDK-8276112 Inconsistent scalar replacement debug info at safepoints
JDK-8276116 C2: optimize long range checks in int counted loops
JDK-8276121 G1: Remove unused and uninitialized _g1h in g1SATBMarkQueueSet.hpp
JDK-8276123 ZipFile::getEntry will not return a file entry when there is a directory entry of the same name within a Zip File
JDK-8276124 Provide snippet support for properties files
JDK-8276125 SIGSEGV in JfrThreadGroup::thread_group_id
JDK-8276126 Dump time class transformation causes heap objects of non-boot classes to be archived
JDK-8276128 (bf) Remove unused constant ARRAY_BASE_OFFSET from Direct-X-Buffer
JDK-8276129 PretouchTask should page-align the chunk size
JDK-8276139 not reliable, better to expand test
JDK-8276141 XPathFactory set/getProperty method
JDK-8276142 Update gradle to version 7.3
JDK-8276144 Update boot JDK to 17.0.1
JDK-8276149 jshell throws EOF error when throwing exception inside switch expression
JDK-8276150 Quarantined jpackage apps are labeled as "damaged"
JDK-8276151 AArch64: Incorrect result for double to int vector conversion
JDK-8276157 C2: Compiler stack overflow during escape analysis on Linux x86_32
JDK-8276162 Optimise unsigned comparison pattern
JDK-8276164 RandomAccessFile#write method could throw IndexOutOfBoundsException that is not described in javadoc
JDK-8276167 VirtualFlow.scrollToTop doesn't scroll to the top of the last element
JDK-8276173 Clean up and remove unneeded casts in HeapDumper
JDK-8276174 JavaFX build fails on macOS aarch64
JDK-8276175 codestrings.validate_vm gtest still broken on ppc64 after JDK-8276046
JDK-8276177 nsk/jvmti/RedefineClasses/StressRedefineWithoutBytecodeCorruption failed with "assert(def_ik->is_being_redefined()) failed: should be being redefined to get here"
JDK-8276179 PrismFontFile.isInstalledFont is dead code and should be removed
JDK-8276184 Exclude lambda proxy class from the CDS archive if its caller class is excluded
JDK-8276186 Require getAvailableLocales() methods to include Locale.ROOT
JDK-8276188 Clarify "default charset" descriptions in String class
JDK-8276199 java/nio/channels/FileChannel/ fails to terminate correctly
JDK-8276201 Shenandoah: Race results degenerated GC to enter wrong entry point
JDK-8276205 Shenandoah: CodeCache_lock should always be held for initializing code cache iteration
JDK-8276206 Rename TextBinding class to better express its purpose
JDK-8276207 Properties.loadFromXML/storeToXML works incorrectly for supplementary characters
JDK-8276208 vmTestbase/nsk/jdb/repeat/repeat001/ fails with "AssertionError: Unexpected output"
JDK-8276209 Some call sites doesn't pass the parameter 'size' to SharedRuntime::dtrace_object_alloc(_base)
JDK-8276215 Intrinsics matchers should handle native method flags better
JDK-8276216 Negated character classes performance regression in Pattern
JDK-8276217 Harmonize StrictMath intrinsics handling
JDK-8276218 JFR: Clean up jdk.jfr.dcmd
JDK-8276220 Reduce excessive allocations in DateTimeFormatter
JDK-8276227 ciReplay: SIGSEGV if classfile for replay compilation is not present after JDK-8275868
JDK-8276229 Stop allowing implicit updates in G1BlockOffsetTable
JDK-8276231 ciReplay: SIGSEGV when replay compiling lambdas
JDK-8276234 Trivially clean up locale-related code
JDK-8276236 Table headers missing in Formatter api docs
JDK-8276239 Better tables in java.util.random package summary
JDK-8276252 java/nio/channels/Channels/ failed with OOM java heap space error
JDK-8276260 (se) Remove java/nio/channels/Selector/ from ProblemList (win)
JDK-8276265 jcmd man page is outdated
JDK-8276298 G1: Remove unused G1SegmentedArrayBufferList::add
JDK-8276299 G1: Unify the wording buffer/node/element in G1SegmentedArrayXxx, G1CardSetXxx and related classes
JDK-8276301 G1: Refine implementation of G1CardSetFreePool::memory_sizes()
JDK-8276306 jdk/jshell/ fails intermittently on storage acquisition
JDK-8276313 ScrollPane scroll delta incorrectly depends on content height
JDK-8276314 [JVMCI] check alignment of call displacement during code installation
JDK-8276337 Use override specifier in HeapDumper
JDK-8276338 Minor improve of wording for|Upper)Case
JDK-8276348 Use blessed modifier order in java.base
JDK-8276367 ProblemList vmTestbase/nsk/jvmti/RedefineClasses/StressRedefineWithoutBytecodeCorruption/
JDK-8276385 Re-run blessed-modifier-order script on java.desktop and jdk.accessibility
JDK-8276401 Use blessed modifier order in
JDK-8276408 Deprecate Runtime.exec methods with a single string command line argument
JDK-8276422 Add command-line option to disable finalization
JDK-8276429 CodeHeapState::print_names() fails with "assert(klass->is_loader_alive()) failed: must be alive"
JDK-8276447 Deprecate finalization-related methods for removal
JDK-8276453 Undefined behavior in C1 LIR_OprDesc causes SEGV in fastdebug build
JDK-8276490 Incorrect path for duplicate x and y values, when path falls outside axis bound
JDK-8276536 Update TimeZoneNames files to follow the changes made by JDK-8275766
JDK-8276540 Howl Full CardSet container iteration marks too many cards
JDK-8276546 [IR Framework] Whitelist and ignore CompileThreshold
JDK-8276548 Use range based visitor for Howl-Full cards
JDK-8276550 Use SHA256 hash in
JDK-8276553 ListView scrollTo() is broken after fix for JDK-8089589
JDK-8276556 ProblemList java/nio/channels/FileChannel/ on windows-x64
JDK-8276559 (httpclient) Consider adding an HttpRequest.Builder.HEAD method to build a HEAD request.
JDK-8276562 Fix to JDK-8263155 left out the help text changes
JDK-8276571 C2: pass compilation options as structure
JDK-8276572 Fake library causes tooling issues
JDK-8276573 Use blessed modifier order in jdk.javadoc
JDK-8276588 Change "ccc" to "CSR" in HotSpot sources
JDK-8276609 Document setting property `jdk.serialFilter` to an invalid value throws `ExceptionInInitializerError`
JDK-8276615 Update CR number of some tests in ProblemList-zgc.txt
JDK-8276623 JDK-8275650 accidentally pushed "out" file
JDK-8276628 Use blessed modifier order in serviceability code
JDK-8276629 Use blessed modifier order in core-libs code
JDK-8276632 Use blessed modifier order in security-libs code
JDK-8276634 Remove `usePlainDatagramSocketImpl` option from the test DatagramChannel/
JDK-8276635 Use blessed modifier order in compiler code
JDK-8276640 Use blessed modifier order in jfr code
JDK-8276641 Use blessed modifier order in jshell
JDK-8276649 MethodHandles.Lookup docs: replace the table in the cross-module access check section with list
JDK-8276650 GenGraphs does not produce deterministic output
JDK-8276652 Missing row headers in MethodHandles.Lookup docs
JDK-8276653 Missing row headers in j.l.Character docs
JDK-8276654 element-list order is non deterministic
JDK-8276655 Use blessed modifier order in SCTP
JDK-8276657 XSLT compiler tries to define a class with empty name
JDK-8276658 Clean up JNI local handles code
JDK-8276660 Scalability bottleneck in
JDK-8276661 (fs) UserDefinedFileAttributeView no longer works with long path (win)
JDK-8276662 Scalability bottleneck in SymbolTable::lookup_common()
JDK-8276665 ObjectInputStream.GetField.get(name, object) should throw ClassNotFoundException
JDK-8276670 G1: Rename G1CardSetFreePool and related classes
JDK-8276672 Cannot build hsdis on WSL
JDK-8276674 Malformed Javadoc inline tags in JDK source
JDK-8276677 Malformed Javadoc inline tags in JDK source in javax/net/ssl
JDK-8276678 Malformed Javadoc inline tags in JDK source in com/sun/beans/decoder/
JDK-8276679 Malformed Javadoc inline tags in JDK source in javax/swing
JDK-8276681 Additional malformed Javadoc inline tags in JDK source
JDK-8276683 Malformed Javadoc inline tags in JDK source in com/sun/tools/javac/util/
JDK-8276685 Malformed Javadoc inline tags in JDK source in /jdk/management/jfr/
JDK-8276688 Remove JLinkReproducibleXXXTest from ProblemList.txt
JDK-8276696 ParallelObjectIterator freed at the wrong time in VM_HeapDumper
JDK-8276721 G1: Refine G1EvacFailureObjectsSet::iterate
JDK-8276731 Metaspace chunks are uncommitted twice
JDK-8276743 Make openjdk build Zip Archive generation "reproducible"
JDK-8276746 Add section on reproducible builds in
JDK-8276763 java/nio/channels/SocketChannel/ fails with "SocketTimeoutException: Read timed out"
JDK-8276764 Enable deterministic file content ordering for Jar and Jmod
JDK-8276768 Snippet copy feature should use button instead of link
JDK-8276769 -Xshare:auto should tolerate problems in the CDS archive
JDK-8276772 Refine javax.lang.model docs
JDK-8276774 Cookie stored in CookieHandler not sent if user headers contain cookie
JDK-8276775 ZonedDateTime/OffsetDateTime.toString return invalid ISO-8601 for years <= 1893
JDK-8276779 (ch) InputStream returned by Channels.newInputStream should have fast path for SelectableChannels
JDK-8276787 Improve warning messages for -XX:+RecordDynamicDumpInfo
JDK-8276790 Rename GenericCDSFileMapHeader::_base_archive_path_offset
JDK-8276794 Change nested classes in java.desktop to static nested classes
JDK-8276795 Deprecate seldom used CDS flags
JDK-8276796 gc/ large pages subtest fails with ZGC
JDK-8276800 Fix table headers in NumericShaper.html
JDK-8276801 gc/stress/ fails intermittently with Shenandoah
JDK-8276805 java/awt/print/PrinterJob/ fails due to disabled SecurityManager
JDK-8276806 Use Objects.checkFromIndexSize where possible in java.base
JDK-8276808 java/nio/channels/Channels/ timed out
JDK-8276824 refactor Thread::is_JavaThread_protected
JDK-8276825 hotspot/runtime/SelectionResolution test errors
JDK-8276826 Clarify the ModuleDescriptor.Version specification’s treatment of repeated punctuation characters
JDK-8276833 G1: Make G1EvacFailureRegions::par_iterate const
JDK-8276835 G1: make G1EvacFailureObjectsSet::record inline
JDK-8276837 [macos]: Error when signing the additional launcher
JDK-8276841 Add support for Visual Studio 2022
JDK-8276842 G1: Only calculate size in bytes from words when needed
JDK-8276845 (fs) java/nio/file/spi/ fails on x86_32
JDK-8276846 JDK-8273416 is incomplete for UseSSE=1
JDK-8276847 JSException: ReferenceError: Can't find variable: IntersectionObserver
JDK-8276848 test does not specify port
JDK-8276850 Remove outdated comment in HeapRegionManager::par_iterate
JDK-8276854 Windows GHA builds fail due to broken Cygwin
JDK-8276863 Remove test/jdk/sun/security/ec/
JDK-8276864 Update boot JDKs to 17.0.1 in GHA
JDK-8276880 Remove java/lang/RuntimeTests/exec/ExecWithDir as unnecessary
JDK-8276889 Improve compatibility discussion in instanceKlass.cpp
JDK-8276901 Implement UseHeavyMonitors consistently
JDK-8276904 Optional.toString() is unnecessarily expensive
JDK-8276905 Use appropriate macosx_version_minimum value while compiling metal shaders
JDK-8276915 Crash on iOS 15.1 in GlassRunnable::dealloc
JDK-8276921 G1: Remove redundant failed evacuation regions calculation in RemoveSelfForwardPtrHRClosure
JDK-8276926 Use String.valueOf() when initializing File.separator and File.pathSeparator
JDK-8276927 [PPC64] Port shenandoahgc to linux on ppc64le
JDK-8276930 Update ProblemList
JDK-8276932 G1: Annotate methods with override explicitly in g1CollectedHeap.hpp
JDK-8276947 Clarify how DateTimeFormatterBuilder.appendFraction handles value ranges
JDK-8276964 Better indicate a snippet that could not be processed
JDK-8276970 Default charset for PrintWriter that wraps PrintStream
JDK-8276976 Rename LIR_OprDesc to LIR_Opr
JDK-8276983 Small fixes to DumpAllocStat::print_stats
JDK-8276985 AArch64: [vectorapi] Backend support of VectorMaskToLongNode
JDK-8276994 java/nio/channels/Channels/ leaves multi-GB files in /tmp
JDK-8277012 Use blessed modifier order in src/utils
JDK-8277016 Use blessed modifier order in jdk.httpserver
JDK-8277026 Remove blank lines remaining from snippet markup
JDK-8277027 Treat unrecognized markup as snippet text, but warn about it
JDK-8277028 Use service type documentation as fallback for @provides
JDK-8277029 JMM GetDiagnosticXXXInfo APIs should verify output array sizes
JDK-8277042 add test for 8276036 to compiler/codecache
JDK-8277045 G1: Remove unnecessary set_concurrency call in G1ConcurrentMark::weak_refs_work
JDK-8277048 Tiny improvements to the specification text for java.util.Properties.load
JDK-8277049 ZonedDateTime parse in Fall DST transition fails to retain the correct zonename.
JDK-8277069 [REDO] JDK-8276743 Make openjdk build Zip Archive generation "reproducible"
JDK-8277071 [BACKOUT] JDK-8276743 Make openjdk build Zip Archive generation "reproducible"
JDK-8277087 ZipException: zip END header not found at ZipFile#Source.findEND
JDK-8277089 Use system binutils to build hsdis
JDK-8277092 fails with "RuntimeException: Committed seems high: NNNN expected at most MMMM"
JDK-8277102 Dubious PrintCompilation output
JDK-8277105 Inconsistent handling of missing permitted subclasses
JDK-8277106 Cannot compile certain sources with --release
JDK-8277119 Add asserts in GenericTaskQueueSet methods
JDK-8277123 jdeps does not report some exceptions correctly
JDK-8277133 Dragboard contents retrieved all over again during a DND process on WebView
JDK-8277137 Set OnSpinWaitInst/OnSpinWaitInstCount defaults to "isb"/1 for Arm Neoverse N1
JDK-8277139 Improve code readability in PredecessorValidator (c1_IR.cpp)
JDK-8277159 Fix java/nio/file/FileStore/ test by ignoring /run/user/* mount points
JDK-8277165 jdeps --multi-release --print-module-deps fails if module-info.class in different versioned directories
JDK-8277166 Data race in jdeps VersionHelper
JDK-8277168 AArch64: Enable arraycopy partial inlining with SVE
JDK-8277172 Remove stray comment mentioning instr_size_for_decode_klass_not_null on x64
JDK-8277180 Intrinsify recursive ObjectMonitor locking for C2 x64 and A64
JDK-8277194 applications/runthese/ crashes with jfrSymbolTable.cpp:305 assert(_instance != null)
JDK-8277212 GC accidentally cleans valid megamorphic vtable inline caches
JDK-8277213 CompileTask_lock is acquired out of order with MethodCompileQueue_lock
JDK-8277215 Remove redundancy in ReferenceProcessor constructor args
JDK-8277221 G1: Remove methods without implementations in G1CollectedHeap
JDK-8277224 throws NPE
JDK-8277239 SIGSEGV in vrshift_reg_maskedNode::emit
JDK-8277246 Check for NonRepudiation as well when validating a TSA certificate
JDK-8277299 STACK_OVERFLOW in Java_sun_awt_shell_Win32ShellFolder2_getIconBits
JDK-8277303 Terminology mismatch between JLS17-3.9 and SE17's javax.lang.model.SourceVersion method specs
JDK-8277310 ciReplay: @cpi MethodHandle references not resolved
JDK-8277313 Validate header failed for test/jdk/java/net/httpclient/
JDK-8277316 ciReplay: dump_replay_data is not thread-safe
JDK-8277324 C2 compilation fails with "bad AD file" on x86-32 after JDK-8276162 due to missing match rule
JDK-8277328 jdk/jshell/ failures on Windows
JDK-8277336 Improve CollectedHeap::safepoint_workers comments
JDK-8277342 vmTestbase/nsk/stress/strace/ fails with SIGSEGV in InstanceKlass::jni_id_for
JDK-8277343 dynamicArchive/ failed: '-XX:+RecordDynamicDumpInfo is unsupported when a dynamic CDS archive is specified in -XX:SharedArchiveFile:' missing
JDK-8277346 ProblemList 7 serviceability/sa tests on macosx-x64
JDK-8277350 runtime/jni/checked/ times out
JDK-8277351 ProblemList runtime/jni/checked/ on macosx-x64
JDK-8277353 java/security/MessageDigest/ test times out
JDK-8277358 Accelerate CRC32-C
JDK-8277361 java/nio/channels/Channels/ fails with OOM error
JDK-8277370 configure script cannot distinguish WSL version
JDK-8277371 Remove unnecessary DefNewGeneration::ref_processor_init()
JDK-8277372 Add getters for BOT and card table members
JDK-8277382 make c1 BlockMerger use IR::verify only when necessary
JDK-8277383 VM.metaspace optionally show chunk freelist details
JDK-8277385 Zero: Enable CompactStrings support
JDK-8277396 [TESTBUG] In, frame is accessed from main thread
JDK-8277397 ZGC: Add JFR event for temporary latency measurements
JDK-8277399 ZGC: Move worker thread logging out of gc+phase=debug
JDK-8277404 Test failing with Unable to create shared archive file
JDK-8277407 javax/swing/plaf/synth/SynthButtonUI/6276188/ fails to compile after JDK-8276058
JDK-8277411 C2 fast_unlock intrinsic on AArch64 has unnecessary ownership check
JDK-8277413 Remove unused local variables in jdk.hotspot.agent
JDK-8277414 ProblemList runtime/CommandLine/ on windows-x64
JDK-8277417 C1 LIR instruction for load-klass
JDK-8277422 tools/jar/ fails with modified time mismatch
JDK-8277423 ciReplay: hidden class with comment expected error
JDK-8277426 Optimize mask reduction operations on x86
JDK-8277427 Update jib-profiles.js to use JMH 1.33 devkit
JDK-8277428 G1: Move and inline G1STWIsAliveClosure::do_object_b
JDK-8277429 Conflicting jpackage static library name
JDK-8277434 tests fail with "assert(is_forwarded()) failed: only decode when actually forwarded"
JDK-8277439 G1: Correct include guard name in G1EvacFailureObjectsSet.hpp
JDK-8277441 CompileQueue::add fails with assert(_last->next() == __null) failed: not last
JDK-8277447 Hotspot C1 compiler crashes on Kotlin suspend fun with loop
JDK-8277449 compiler/vectorapi/ fails with release VMs
JDK-8277450 Record number of references into collection set during gc
JDK-8277451 java.lang.reflect.Field::set on static field with invalid argument type should throw IAE
JDK-8277457 AccessControlException: access denied ("" "getCookieHandler")
JDK-8277459 Add jwebserver tool
JDK-8277475 Update JDK_DOCS property to point to JDK 17 docs
JDK-8277485 Zero: Fix _fast_access_0 bytecodes handling
JDK-8277494 [BACKOUT] JDK-8276150 Quarantined jpackage apps are labeled as "damaged"
JDK-8277496 Remove duplication in c1 Block successor lists
JDK-8277497 Last column cell in the JTAble row is read as empty cell
JDK-8277503 compiler/onSpinWait/ failed with "OnSpinWaitInst with the expected value 'isb' not found."
JDK-8277504 Use String.stripTrailing instead of hand-crafted method in SwingUtilities2
JDK-8277507 Add jlink.debug system property while launching jpackage tests to help diagonize recent intermittent failures
JDK-8277508 need to check has_predicated_vectors before calling scalable_predicate_reg_slots
JDK-8277522 Make formatting of null consistent in Elements
JDK-8277529 SIGSEGV in C2 CompilerThread Node::rematerialize() compiling Packet::readUnsignedTrint
JDK-8277534 Remove unused ReferenceProcessor::has_discovered_references
JDK-8277536 Use String.blank in jdk.javadoc where applicable
JDK-8277542 G1: Move G1CardSetFreePool and related classes to separate files
JDK-8277556 Call ReferenceProcessorPhaseTimes::set_processing_is_mt once
JDK-8277560 Remove WorkerDataArray::_is_serial
JDK-8277562 Remove dead method c1 If::swap_sux
JDK-8277576 ProblemList runtime/ErrorHandling/ on macosx-X64
JDK-8277577 ProblemList compiler/onSpinWait/ on linux-aarch64
JDK-8277578 ProblemList applications/jcstress/ on linux-aarch64
JDK-8277602 Deopt code does not extend the stack enough if the caller is an optimize entry blob
JDK-8277606 String(String) constructor could copy hashIsZero
JDK-8277617 Adjust AVX3Threshold for copy/fill stubs
JDK-8277621 ARM32: multiple fastdebug failures with "bad AD file" after JDK-8276162
JDK-8277628 Spec for InetAddressResolverProvider::get() throwing error or exception could be clearer
JDK-8277631 ZGC: CriticalMetaspaceAllocation asserts
JDK-8277647 [REDO] JDK-8277507 Add jlink.debug system property while launching jpackage tests to help diagonize recent intermittent failures
JDK-8277649 [BACKOUT] JDK-8277507 Add jlink.debug system property while launching jpackage tests to help diagonize recent intermittent failures
JDK-8277654 Shenandoah: Don't produce new memory state in C2 LRB runtime call
JDK-8277659 [TESTBUG] Microbenchmark hangs
JDK-8277736 G1: Allow forced evacuation failure of first N regions in collection set
JDK-8277753 Long* fail with "bad AD file" on x86_32 after JDK-8276162
JDK-8277762 Allow configuration of HOTSPOT_BUILD_USER
JDK-8277777 [Vector API] assert(r->is_XMMRegister()) failed: must be in
JDK-8277786 G1: Rename log2_card_region_per_heap_region used in G1CardSet
JDK-8277789 G1: G1CardSetConfiguration prefixes num_ and max_ used interchangeably
JDK-8277793 Support vector F2I and D2L cast operations for X86
JDK-8277797 Remove undefined/unused SharedRuntime::trampoline_size()
JDK-8277803 vmTestbase/nsk/jdi/TypeComponent/isSynthetic/issynthetic001 fails with "Synthetic fields not found"
JDK-8277806 4 tools/jar failures per platform after JDK-8272728
JDK-8277811 ProblemList vmTestbase/nsk/jdi/TypeComponent/isSynthetic/issynthetic001/
JDK-8277813 ProblemList vmTestbase/nsk/jvmti/AttachOnDemand/attach002a/
JDK-8277814 ConcurrentRefineThread should report rate when deactivating
JDK-8277824 Remove empty RefProcSubPhasesWorkerTimeTracker destructor
JDK-8277825 Remove unused ReferenceProcessorPhaseTimes::_sub_phases_total_time_ms
JDK-8277842 IGV: Add jvms property to know where a node came from
JDK-8277843 [Vector API] scalar2vector generates incorrect type info for mask operations if Op_MaskAll is unavailable
JDK-8277846 Implement fast-path for ASCII-compatible CharsetEncoders on ppc64
JDK-8277847 Support toolGuide tag in class-level documentation
JDK-8277850 C2: optimize mask checks in counted loops
JDK-8277854 The upper bound of GCCardSizeInBytes should be limited to 512 for 32-bit platforms
JDK-8277860 PPC: Remove duplicate info != NULL check
JDK-8277861 Terminally deprecate Thread.stop
JDK-8277863 Deprecate sun.misc.Unsafe methods that return offsets
JDK-8277864 Compilation error thrown while doing a boxing conversion on selector expression
JDK-8277865 G1: Change integer division to floating point division
JDK-8277866 gc/epsilon/ failed with wrong initial heap size
JDK-8277878 Fix compiler tests after JDK-8275908
JDK-8277882 New subnode ideal optimization: converting "c0 - (x + c1)" into "(c0 - c1) - x"
JDK-8277896 Remove unused BOTConstants member methods
JDK-8277899 Parallel: Simplify PSVirtualSpace::initialize logic
JDK-8277904 G1: Remove G1CardSetArray::max_entries
JDK-8277906 Incorrect type for IV phi of long counted loops after CCP
JDK-8277916 Gather non-strong reference count logic in a single place
JDK-8277919 OldObjectSample event causing bloat in the class constant pool in JFR recording
JDK-8277924 Small tweaks to foreign function and memory API
JDK-8277928 Fix compilation on macosx-aarch64 after 8276108
JDK-8277931 Parallel: Remove unused PSVirtualSpace::expand_into
JDK-8277932 Subject:callAs() not throwing NPE when action is null
JDK-8277944 JDK 18 - update GA Release Date
JDK-8277946 NMT: Deprecate and remove VM.native_memory shutdown jcmd command option
JDK-8277957 Add test group for IPv6 exclusive testing
JDK-8277964 ClassCastException with no stack trace is thrown with -Xcomp in method handle invocation
JDK-8277965 Enclosing instance optimization affects serialization
JDK-8277977 Incorrect references to --enable-reproducible-builds in docs
JDK-8277980 ObjectMethods::bootstrap throws NPE when lookup is null
JDK-8277981 String Deduplication table is never cleaned up due to bad dead_factor_for_cleanup
JDK-8277985 G1: Compare max_parallel_refinement_threads to UINT_MAX
JDK-8277986 Typo in javadoc of
JDK-8277990 NMT: Remove NMT shutdown capability
JDK-8277992 Add fast jdk_svc subtests to jdk:tier3
JDK-8277998 runtime/cds/appcds/loaderConstraints/ failed "assert(ZAddress::is_marked(addr)) failed: Should be marked"
JDK-8278014 [vectorapi] Remove test run script
JDK-8278016 Add compiler tests to tier
JDK-8278019 ProblemList java/awt/dnd/BadSerializationTest/ on linux and windows
JDK-8278020 ~13% variation in Renaissance-Scrabble
JDK-8278031 MultiThreadedRefCounter should not use relaxed atomic decrement
JDK-8278037 Clean up PPC32 related code in C1
JDK-8278044 ObjectInputStream methods invoking the OIF.CFG.getSerialFilterFactory() silent about error cases.
JDK-8278047 Few javax/imageio test regressed after JDK-8262297 fix
JDK-8278049 G1: add precondition to set_remainder_to_point_to_start
JDK-8278068 Fix next-line modifier (snippet markup)
JDK-8278071 typos in MemorySegment::set, MemorySegment::setAtIndex javadoc
JDK-8278078 Cannot reference super before supertype constructor has been called
JDK-8278079 C2: expand_dtrace_alloc_probe doesn't take effect in macro.cpp
JDK-8278080 Add --with-cacerts-src='user cacerts folder' to enable deterministic cacerts generation
JDK-8278087 Deserialization filter and filter factory property error reporting under specified
JDK-8278099 two sun/security/pkcs11/Signature tests failed with AssertionError
JDK-8278115 gc/stress/gclocker/ has duplicate -Xmx
JDK-8278116 runtime/modules/ has duplicate -Xmx
JDK-8278119 ProblemList few headful test failing in macosx12-aarch64 system
JDK-8278130 Failure in jdk/javadoc/tool/ after JDK-8274639
JDK-8278134 Move static utility methods to infrastructure (EditAndScrollTest)
JDK-8278137 JFR: PrettyWriter uses incorrect year specifier
JDK-8278139 G1: Refactor G1BlockOffsetTablePart::block_at_or_preceding
JDK-8278141 LIR_OpLoadKlass::_info shadows the field of the same name from LIR_Op
JDK-8278143 Remove unused "argc" from ConstantPool::copy_bootstrap_arguments_at_impl
JDK-8278144 Javadoc for MemorySegment::set/MemorySegment::setAtIndex is missing throws tag
JDK-8278154 SimpleFileServer#createFileServer() should specify that the returned server is not started
JDK-8278158 jwebserver should set request timeout
JDK-8278163 --with-cacerts-src variable resolved after GenerateCacerts recipe setup
JDK-8278166 java/nio/channels/Channels/ timed out
JDK-8278168 Add a few missing words to the specification of Files.mismatch
JDK-8278171 [vectorapi] Mask incorrectly computed for zero extending cast
JDK-8278172 java/nio/channels/FileChannel/ should only run on Linux
JDK-8278174 runtime/cds/appcds/ fails with release VMs
JDK-8278175 Enable all doclint warnings for build of java.desktop
JDK-8278179 Enable all doclint warnings for build of java.naming
JDK-8278205 jlink plugins should dump .class file in debug mode
JDK-8278233 [macos] tools/jpackage tests timeout due to /usr/bin/osascript
JDK-8278239 vmTestbase/nsk/jvmti/RedefineClasses/StressRedefine failed with EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION at 0x000000000000000d
JDK-8278240 ProblemList containers/docker/ on linux-aarch64
JDK-8278247 KeyStoreSpi::engineGetAttributes does not throws KeyStoreException
JDK-8278251 Enable "missing-explicit-ctor" check in the jdk.unsupported.desktop module
JDK-8278260 JavaFX shared libraries not stripped on Linux or macOS
JDK-8278267 ARM32: several vector test failures for ASHR
JDK-8278270 ServerSocket is not thread safe
JDK-8278273 Remove unnecessary exclusion of doclint accessibility checks
JDK-8278276 G1: Refine naming of G1GCParPhaseTimesTracker::_must_record
JDK-8278277 G1: Simplify implementation of G1GCPhaseTimes::record_or_add_time_secs
JDK-8278289 Drop G1BlockOffsetTablePart::_object_can_span
JDK-8278291 compiler/uncommontrap/ fails with release VMs after JDK-8154011
JDK-8278309 [windows] use of uninitialized OSThread::_state
JDK-8278310 Improve logging in CDS
JDK-8278311 Debian packaging doesn't work
JDK-8278318 Create entries for key LangTools terms
JDK-8278324 Update the --generate-cds-archive jlink plugin usage message
JDK-8278330 dump stack trace if the jvmti test nsk/jvmti/GetThreadState/thrstat002 is failed with wrong thread state
JDK-8278336 Use int64_t to represent byte quantities consistently in JfrObjectAllocationSample
JDK-8278339 ServerSocket::isClosed may return false after accept throws
JDK-8278341 Liveness check for global scope is not as fast as it could be
JDK-8278344 sun/security/pkcs12/ test fails because of different openssl output
JDK-8278346 java/nio/file/Files/probeContentType/ fails on Linux SLES15 machine
JDK-8278363 Create extented container test groups
JDK-8278368 ProblemList tools/jpackage/share/ on macosx-x64
JDK-8278373 JavacTrees.searchMethod finds incorrect match
JDK-8278379 Zero VM is broken due to UseRTMForStackLocks was not declared after JDK-8276901
JDK-8278389 SuspendibleThreadSet::_suspend_all should be volatile/atomic
JDK-8278413 C2 crash when allocating array of size too large
JDK-8278417 Closed test fails after JDK-8276108 on aarch64
JDK-8278419 JFR jcmd option contract "This value cannot be changed once JFR has been initialized" is not enforced
JDK-8278425 TreeTableCellStartEditTest uses deprecated TreeTableCell methods
JDK-8278428 ObjectInputStream.readFully range check incorrect
JDK-8278433 Use snippets in jdk.incubator.foreign documentation
JDK-8278434 timeouts in test java/time/test/java/time/format/
JDK-8278445 ProblemList tools/jpackage/share/ on macosx-x64
JDK-8278459 ProblemList javax/swing/JTree/4908142/ on macosx-aarch64
JDK-8278463 [test] Serialization WritePrimitive test revised for readFully test fails
JDK-8278466 "spurious markup" warnings in snippets when building `docs-reference`
JDK-8278489 Preserve result in native wrapper with +UseHeavyMonitors
JDK-8278494 Remove .hgtags
JDK-8278508 Enable X86 maskAll instruction pattern for 32 bit JVM.
JDK-8278516 Typos in snippet for java.compiler
JDK-8278521 ProblemList java/lang/management/ThreadMXBean/
JDK-8278526 [macos] Screen reader reads SwingSet2 JTable row selection as null, dimmed row for last column
JDK-8278538 Test langtools/jdk/javadoc/tool/ fails after the manpage was updated
JDK-8278574 update --help-extra message to include default value of --finalization option
JDK-8278575 update jcmd GC.finalizer_info to list finalization status
JDK-8278580 ProblemList javax/swing/JTree/4908142/ on macosx-x64
JDK-8278587 StringTokenizer(String, String, boolean) documentation bug
JDK-8278595 Provide more information when a pipeline can't be used
JDK-8278604 SwingSet2 table demo does not have accessible description set for images
JDK-8278607 Misc issues in foreign API javadoc
JDK-8278609 [macos] accessibility frame is misplaced on a secondary monitor on macOS
JDK-8278612 [macos] test/jdk/java/awt/dnd/RemoveDropTargetCrashTest crashes with VoiceOver on macOS
JDK-8278627 Shenandoah: TestHeapDump test failed
JDK-8278628 jdk/jfr/jmx/streaming/ Expected only one or two chunks
JDK-8278744 KeyStore:getAttributes() not returning unmodifiable Set
JDK-8278758 runtime/BootstrapMethod/ fails with release VMs after JDK-8262134
JDK-8278790 Inner loop of long loop nest runs for too few iterations
JDK-8278796 Incorrect behavior of FloatVector.withLane on X86
JDK-8278824 Uneven work distribution when scanning heap roots in G1
JDK-8278834 Error "Cannot read field "sym" because "this.lvar[od]" is null" when compiling
JDK-8278860 Streamline properties for Monocle
JDK-8278871 [JVMCI] assert((uint)reason < 2* _trap_hist_limit) failed: oob
JDK-8278889 AArch64: [vectorapi] VectorMaskLoadStoreTest.testMaskCast() test fail
JDK-8278897 Alignment of heap segments is not enforced correctly
JDK-8278905 JavaFX: EnumConverter has a typo in the toString method
JDK-8278930 javac tries to compile a file twice via PackageElement.getEnclosedElements
JDK-8278948 compiler/vectorapi/reshape/ crashes in assembler
JDK-8278966 two microbenchmarks tests fail "assert(!jvms->method()->has_exception_handlers()) failed: no exception handler expected" after JDK-8275638
JDK-8278967 rmiregistry fails to start because SecurityManager is disabled
JDK-8278970 [macos] SigningPackageTest is failed with runtime exception
JDK-8278987 failed with EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION in write_sample_info
JDK-8279007 jstatd fails to start because SecurityManager is disabled
JDK-8279011 JFR: JfrChunkWriter incorrectly handles int64_t chunk size as size_t
JDK-8279032 compiler/loopopts/ times out with -XX:TieredStopAtLevel < 4
JDK-8279045 Intrinsics missing vzeroupper instruction
JDK-8279074 ProblemList compiler/codecache/jmx/ on macosx-aarch64
JDK-8279076 C2: Bad AD file when matching SqrtF with UseSSE=0
JDK-8279078 Update copyright header for files modified in 2021
JDK-8279081 ProblemList jdk/jfr/event/oldobject/ on 2 platforms
JDK-8279179 Update nroff pages in JDK 18 before RC
JDK-8279195 Document the -XX:+NeverActAsServerClassMachine flag
JDK-8279204 [BACKOUT] JDK-8278413: C2 crash when allocating array of size too large
JDK-8279222 Incorrect legacyMap.get in after JDK-8276660
JDK-8279227 Access Bridge: Wrong frame position and hit test result on HiDPI display
JDK-8279328 CssParser uses default charset instead of UTF-8
JDK-8279333 Some JFR tests do not accept 'GCLocker Initiated GC' as a valid GC Cause
JDK-8279345 Realign class docs of LightBase and subclasses
JDK-8279356 Method linking fails with guarantee(mh->adapter() != NULL) failed: Adapter blob must already exist!
JDK-8279370 jdk.jpackage/share/native/applauncher/JvmLauncher.cpp fails to build with GCC 6.3.0
JDK-8279379 GHA: Print tests that are in error
JDK-8279396 Define version in .jcheck/conf
JDK-8279398 jdk/jfr/api/recording/time/ failed with "RuntimeException: getStopTime() > afterStop"
JDK-8279515 C1: No inlining through invokedynamic and invokestatic call sites when resolved class is not linked
JDK-8279525 ProblemList java/awt/GraphicsDevice/ on macosx-aarch64
JDK-8279527 Dereferencing segments backed by different scopes leads to pollution
JDK-8279529 ProblemList java/nio/channels/DatagramChannel/ on macosx-aarch64
JDK-8279532 ProblemList sun/security/ssl/SSLSessionImpl/
JDK-8279597 [TESTBUG] fails with -XX:TieredStopAtLevel=1 on machines with many cores
JDK-8279654 jdk/incubator/vector/ crashes randomly with SVE
JDK-8279695 [TESTBUG] modify compiler/loopopts/ to run on C1 also
JDK-8279702 [macosx] ignore xcodebuild warnings on M1
JDK-8279833 Loop optimization issue in String.encodeUTF8_UTF16
JDK-8279837 C2: assert(is_Loop()) failed: invalid node class: Region
JDK-8279924 [PPC64, s390] implement frame::is_interpreted_frame_valid checks
JDK-8279930 Synthetic cast causes generation of store barriers when using heap segments
JDK-8279998 PPC64 debug builds fail with "untested: RangeCheckStub: predicate_failed_trap_id"
JDK-8280034 ProblemList jdk/jfr/api/consumer/recordingstream/ on linux-x64
JDK-8280155 [PPC64, s390] frame size checks are not yet correct
JDK-8280233 Temporarily disable Unix domain sockets in Windows PipeImpl
JDK-8280234 AArch64 "core" variant does not build after JDK-8270947
JDK-8280275 JUnit5 tests using Assumptions API fail to compile in some cases
JDK-8280280 Update boot JDK to 17.0.2
JDK-8280441 Missing "classpath exception" in several files from jdk.httpserver
JDK-8280592 Small javadoc tweaks to foreign API